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These are Jerrod's notes from importing the rulebook in to the wiki. This is not an official errata, and any suggestions here are not to be taken as official or canonical.

Things tagged with RRC probably want Rules to examine. All page numbers are approximate.

  • p.9 - species - fix URL, we use instead of
  • p.11 - Avani - centres → centers
  • p.11-21 - Species - fix inconsistent presentation of species skills (spacing (“4 XP” vs “2XP”), some skills don't include the XP cost, inclusion of 'for', calling skills a skill “Blacksmith” or “Hardy” is sufficient.
  • p.11 - Avani - “Mental Role-play” should be “Mental Abilities” to match what is in the species chart and what the chapter heading is named.
  • p.15 - Halfling - there's a weird large space after the word “they” in the middle of a sentence “they do not rush…”
  • p.15 - Halfling - “purchased as -1 XP” should be reworded as it doesn't give you 1 xp per purchase
  • p.15 - High-Ogre - we are inconsistent in if we include the - in the “high-ogre”. In some places we include it, in some places we do not.
  • p.16 - High-Orc - we are inconsistent in if we include the - in the “high-orc”. In some places we include it, in some places we do not.
  • p.16 - High-Orc - should refer to it as species resolute not as “resolute as a species ability”
  • p.16 - High-Orc - in species skills, both words of species resolute should be italicized; resolute and species resolute are separate skills (resolute purchases are limited by martial XP expenditure)
  • p.18 - Kyn - “Having animal roots means it takes a little more focus to become Educated” - that is factually wrong; it takes more focus to learn “Read Magic”. Kyn no longer have restrictions on learning Educated as that was removed in a previous rules set.
  • p.18 - Realmsworn - “Resist Elemental” should be “Resist Element”
  • p.19 - Stellarean - RRC - “Stellarean are mildly resistant to Earth Magic, giving them the ability to Resist Curse.” - technically, resistance to Earth Magic would make them resistant to healing not curses
  • p.21 - Stone Elf - “Mental Role-play” should be “Mental Abilities” to match what is in the species chart and what the chapter heading is named.
  • p.21 - Syladrin - “Elf ears can be any length the player chooses if they are elf ears.” Elf ears are by definition elf ears so the conditional if statement at the end is just awkward
  • p.22 - Classes - RRC - Adept have no way to do things silently; this is factually wrong, misleading, and confusing to new players
  • p.22 - Classes - Spellsword is missing the period in the last sentence
  • p.23 - Classes - The body and armor points section should mention that all characters start at 10 body points.
  • p.24 - The Pause Game Rule - sections are tab indented; which is different than all other sections prior to it in the rulebook
  • p.24 - The Pause Game Rule - “To End a Pause Game” should be formatted like “Medical Issues” and other section headings above
  • p.26 - Combat - the “From Behind” section should probably have a section header; lots of skills reference it and its important
  • p.28 - Killing Blow - RRC - we should consider using carrier instead of damage type, or at least reference the concept. The wording dances around without using specific terminology that has defined meaning.
  • p.30 - Deliveries - “Packet:” should be bolded (fixed on wiki)
  • p.30 - Radius Delivery - “explicit qualifier” should have Qualifier capitalized
  • p.31 - Calls - Qualifier should be capitalized
  • p.31 - Calls - RRC - We should not say it acts as if you are immune to it. In the No Effect section we say if you are immune to any part of an attack, you are immune to all of it. This would imply that any Carrier attack that did not penetrate armor you were entirely immune to, and would not even damage the armor.
  • p.32 - Defenses- “Smart Defenses” has both words bold'd but “Dumb Defenses” only has dumb bolded. I think Defenses should not be bold
  • p.34 - Effect group definitions - I don't like the ( ) formatting. I think I'd prefer the : formatting we are using in other places. This seems more relevant in the wiki format, where you might sometimes be just looking at a single effect group.
  • p. 35-37 - Effects chart - Effect groups are not quite in alphabetical order Earth & Greater Command could use to me moved
    • also Effects chart is using “contact” and not “coating” - it should be coating
  • p. 40 - Spellcasting - images are inconsistently scaled; and some cells have black lines and some have grey lines. The step 3 image uses a different convention for showing an added spell than the Step 2 image.
  • p.41 - Focus and Meditate - Meditate is a Focus ability, but we have Meditate first. We should swap their ordering.
  • p.41 - Focus - “Focus Examples” chart has a line that reads “Arming/Disarming a” – pretty sure its missing the word “Trap” ; also swapping this to a 3-column table for the wiki
  • p.41 - Meditate - RRC - references “expended Weapon Skills” - weapon skills are the ability to wield weapons, and can neither be expended or meditated; should be “expended Martial or Stealth Skills”. We use this miswording repeatedly.
  • p.43 - Skill Cost Charts - ordering of charts are weird. Also, the spell slots don't appear under the scholar skills chart, and they do count as scholar skills. I think it should probably be: Species, Trades, Weapons, Martial, Stealth, Scholar+Spell_slots
  • p.43 - Skill Cost Charts - “Trades and Crafts” doesn't make sense as a name since we renamed craftman; and the craft skills are not in this section
  • p.47 - Production Skills - “Batches:” should be bold to match “Workshops:”
  • p.49 - Create Trap Production - *RRC* - Chart is missing the minimum damage sizes for the various damage types. (Exploit: 1 damage Explosive traps for 2 PP)
  • p.50 - Skills - “Skills Chart” is actually named “Skills Cost Charts”
  • p.50 - Skills - “Per:LP” needs a space after the :
  • p.50 - Skills - Chapter IV needs to include the chapter name.
  • p.50 - Archery - RRC - we should mention the special interaction with From Behind skills. Also we should more explicitly reference the Archery section rather than entire chapter since most of what you need to know about archery is there
  • p.51 - Assassinate - meditate misspelled as mediate
  • p.51 - Assassinate - entire last paragraph is redundant and should be removed; as it could be reasonably included in every weapon delivered stealth and martial skill and is not a special property of the assassinate skill
  • p.51 - Back Attack and Backstab - RRC - “ranged or thrown” should probably just be “ranged” since “ranged” includes both archery and thrown weapons. (all weapons are either melee or ranged)
  • p.51 - Back Attack - “ Weapon with which your character has the appropriate skill.” is a verbose way to say “Weapon Skill”
  • p.52 - Blacksmith - “Advanced use:” should be in bold
  • p.52 - Channeling - “Lightning,or” needs a space after the ,
  • p.53 - Claws - “in-game.You” needs a space after the .
  • p.53 - Counteract - the “Trigger:” line is indented, inconsistent with other defenses
  • p.54 - Create Traps - references a “Traps” section but the section is called “Traps and Locks”
  • p.55 - Dodge - Inconsidtent capitalization - either Packet should be lower-case or physical should be upper cased
  • p.52 & p.55 - Celestial Magic and Earth Magic - we should rename these “celestial magic spell slot” and “earth magic spell slot” as most of the time we refer to “celestial magic” and “earth magic” in the rulebook, we are not referring to these two skills
  • p.55 - Doom Blow - RRC - the wording around combining with assassinate/slay implies that you might not be able to combine with other things that increase damage, including weapon proficiency, vorpal coatings, and eviscerating blow. Maybe something like this would be better: “This may be combined with effects that add damage like assassinate and slay.”
  • p.56 - Enhanced Strike - RRC - in the predecessor larp, it scaled /20 rather than /25. Is this an intentional change?
  • p.56 - Eviscerating Blow - RRC - Current wording doesn't specify how you can attack; add the line “This Skill may be used with any Weapon for which the character has the appropriate Weapon Skill.”
  • p.56 - Fast Refit - add a space at the end of the first sentence after the period
  • p.59 - Herbal Lore - the elixir is named “Intoxicate” not “Intoxicant”
  • p.59 - High Magic - RRC - its weird that we have “earth magic” and “celestial magic” as separate skills, but not separate “high magic” in the skill listing
  • p.62 - Species Evade and Species Resolute - both are alphabetized as if they were spell racial
  • p.62 - Read Magic - when you say “Celestial spell ability” I think you want “Celestial spell slot”
  • p.63 - Repel Strike - RRC - this used to be melee only, but current wording allows archery
  • p.63 - Resist Elements - skill name should be singular like Resist Spell
  • p.63 - Resist Spell - RRC - “arcane delivered” is meaningless, since there is no such thing as arcane delivery. Arcane is a qualifier. also “formal Ritual Magic” is weird wording, and I'm not sure actually correct since you can resist spell delivery effects from rituals.
  • p.64 - Shatter/Disarm Strike - the “you” at the start of the second sentence should be capitalized. “powerful weapon blow” could be more accurately written as “powerful weapon strike”.
  • p.65 - Small Weapon - “One-Handed Edge” should be “One-Handed Edged”. “One-Handed Weapon Master” should be “One-Handed Master”
  • p.66 - Staff - RRC - staff is not restricted for safety reasons, or we would not allow use of polearms or other 2H weapons. staff is restricted because its cheaper for casters.
  • p.66 - Style Master - “Two Weapon” should be “Two Weapons”
  • p.66 - Trades - RRC - “Fletcher” should not be included as an example, because it is covered under Blacksmith. Cartographer & mapmaker are the same thing.
  • p.67 - Two Weapons - skill description refers to itself as “Two Weapon” instead of “Two Weapons” in the last paragraph
  • p.69 - Engulf - “This is a Focused Action” should be “This is a Focus action.”
  • p.69 - Engulf - RRC - this should mention somewhere in it that it is a Counted Actions
  • p.73 - Natural Armor - “This is a Focused Action” should be “This is a Focus action.”
  • p.73 - Reduced Damage or Timer - RRC - description uses both “Reduce” and “Reduced” as the call. Which is correct?
  • p.74 - Regeneration - RRC - we should consider renaming this ability or the regeneration ritual, because at various points we reference “regeneration” and which is being reference might not always be clear
  • p.76-82 - Mental Abilities - RRC - this needs restructured a bunch. The “mental power level” section appearing the middle of a page of other paragraphs is awkward. Its in a chapter Called “Mental Abilities” and then has a subchapter also of the same name. Abilities have a required species XP needed, but there is also a number that is “mental power level” and I'm not sure why these are being calculated separately. The chart of abilities is laid out purely by XP, and says what species can use it but not what type it is. But the skill descriptions are split in to types of general, emotion, and memory – this seems awkward and possibly qualifies as a “Hot Mess”. This continues as you get to the skill descriptions which use “minimum XP needed” which represented as level in the chart, and mental power level needed which is referred to as “species XP needed” in the chart. Also, all of the mental abilities need to not overlap name space with other abilities in game - for example Restore and Block have different meanings. I'm importing this all as one page, rather than broken out for easy sublinking because I think its all going to have to be redone.
  • p.83 - Weapons and Armor - first thing it does, it split in to separate sections of Armor and Weapons. Maybe they should be separate chapters?
  • p.83 - Armor - “eight body locations” should be “eight armor locations”.
  • p.83 - Armor - “suit of Armor” is an ambiguous term in our system, where this can mean either the physreps or the armor tag. In this case you mean armor tag. But we should avoid unclear wording.
  • p.83 - Armor - “To determine your Armor Rating, the marshal must look at the eight body locations stated below and assign each one a value of 0 to 4. The sum of all these values and any bonus points you are awarded becomes your Armor Rating” - this is actually inaccurate, because it doesn't take in to account the fact that points are doubled in 4 of the 8 locations, so while it is evaluated from 0-4, the sum is actually a series of numbers from 0-8.
  • p.83 - Armor - RRC - we are missing a section analogous to the Weapon Tags sections in weapons to talk about Armor Tags. The “Armor Points” section is written as if it already exists.
  • p.85 - Shields - this section is like 80% overlap with the Shield skill section. Maybe we can include the rest of the content there and remove this section entirely? And/or add/rename a “Shield Construction” section and remove the duplicate content?
  • p.88 - Weapon Guidelines - RRC - the terminology around names for claws is messy. The “PC Skill Claw” is actually names Claws. The Cast skill is called “Claws/Body Weaponry” and we use slightly wrong ambiguous wording here for both. To be clear, they follow the same rules, except the Cast version is not size limited, and I think just slightly adjusting how we define things could make this stop having a name overlap / confusion.
  • p.88 - Weapon Guidelines - RRC - as a general commentary, we are messy about some of the specifying things around weapons. We don't talk about short vs long in the one-handed weapon skills. The skills seem primary split on edged vs blunt. I think the only place we define what weapons count as ranged is in the weapon size chart. Honestly, for 1.1 I think you should consider drastically simplifying the weapon skills and definitions.
  • p.89 - Archery - RRC - the section starts with “Archery is represented with a Packet delivered attack. Each Packet must be blue.” Its only when you go and read the “Packet Delivery” section that it tells you arrows count as “Physical Delivery” and follow the physical delivery rules. This could really use to be repeated here.
  • p.89 - Archery - could use to be mildly restructured. quiver and ammunition could use to have their own section like bow&crossbow; maybe split it in as 'intro info & usage aka paragraphs 1,5,6,7', 'bows' 'crossbows' 'quivers' 'ammunition'
  • p.89 - Archery - Bows section reference “Two Weapon” skill - its “Two Weapons”
  • p.91 - Life and Death - The sections after Resurrections seem to be subsection of Resurrection, but are not organized that way
  • p.107 - Banish - uses “Rift In” and “Rift Out” when its just “Rift”
  • p.119 - Enhanced Blade - Remove one of the two periods after Dispel
  • p.122 - Hallucinate - only says gas/coating - should also include elixir (or the other charts needs updated)
  • p.129 - Repel - RRC - as written, this will not allow Repel Strike to work as part of the using of the ability specifies using a spell packet; and Repel Strike requires a 2H weapon. There is nothing inherent in the effect being generated that is problematic; just the specific wording chosen in the effect definition
  • p.130 - Shatter - Blacksmith instead of Blacksmithing.
  • p.135 - Vorpal Coating - RRC - lists its duration as indefinite. I thought they had a duration now?
  • p.137 - Ward - change Ritual Magic to Formal Magic
  • p.139 - High Magic Chart - improve wording consistency: “at least one level” → “at least one rank”; use the same prerequisite for channel foundation element and channel healing/chaos
  • p.140 - Bane - RRC - “Baned is still considered a Poison for the purposes of delivery-based defenses” – Poison is Qualifier not a Delivery so this sentence needs updated
  • p.141 - Cloak - RRC - this wording is confusing in the case of “Elemental <effect>” - does cloak work against the effect since it is neither a spell or weapon attack? “The Cloak will completely Guard against the specific effect from among those in its Effect Group as if the effect were encountering a Spell Shield or Weapon Shield.”
  • p.143 - Magical Conduit - RRC - the purchaser of this skill needs to have a spell book in their possession for the meditation session they use to purchase the magic conduit high magic. They then need to have the spell store in their possession BUT NOT THE SPELL BOOK for the second meditation session in which they fill the spell store. At least by the current wording. Is this intentional?
  • p.143 - Oak of the Archmage - “staff XP” should be “staff skill”.
  • p.143 - Oak of the Archmage - RRC - references “Greater Wand” ritual - ritual was renamed “Greater Source”
  • p.145 - Ritual Manipulation - RRC - add a Ritual Manipulation Chart to summarize and make lookup quicker
  • p.148 - Formal Magic - “cCast” should be “cast”
  • p.149 - Aspects - RRC - “All items that are created using a Necromantic aspect are given Earth aspect tags.” - if this is true, we should make sure the RDB doesn't allow necromancy as an aspect
  • p.150 - Ritual Scrolls - I feel like the ritual target section would be better served by converting the huge paragraph in to a bullet list, one bullet point per target type. Similarly the ritual types paragraph would be served by a similar structure, though its less relevant.
  • p.150 - Ritual Scrolls - the High Magic section says you may only read ritual scrolls of your aspect or general, but the ritual scrolls section implies you can read all scrolls.
  • p.151 - Ritual Components - RRC - this section says all components (including catalysts) are represented by popsicle sticks.
  • p.151 - Ritual Components - RRC - We have a “Reagents” section right after the Ritual Components section; but we describe reagants in the ritual components section. It seems like a lot of the text for them belongs in the reagents section instead.
  • p.154 - Preparing for Ritual Casting - RRC - this section seems to be using “recipient” for a concept in most of the rest of the rules we call “target”. Do we want to make this consistent?
  • p.154 - Preparing for Ritual Casting - “cCast” → “cast”
  • p.155 - Preparing for Ritual Casting & Casting Rituals - its a little weird we reverse the word order in the section names
  • p.159 - Recipient Characters - references the “Regenerate” ritual, the action name is “Regeneration”
  • p.159 - Rituals - RRC - we should link to the ritual info, not just to our generic website. Also we should publish it on the website, which I think is an RRC task?
  • p.160 - - the section named “Areas of Effect” should really be named “Area Traps”. All the trap descriptions reference it as “Area Traps” and none use “Areas of Effect”
  • p.161 - Weapon Traps - RRC - the example is wrong. Specifically it has the problem that a Weapon Shield does not work against a weapon trap coated with poison, but evade & parry are special cased to work against physical delivery in that case.
  • p.161 - Arming and Disarming Traps - RRC - In the Focus section arming/disarming is listed as a Focus activity. Arming/Disarming does not use the work focus any where in its description and should. Note that if it is using the Focus mechanic, it implies that a player can not use Dodge while setting a trap. Either this section or the Focus section should be updated.
  • p.164 - Traveling Between Chapters - the last paragraph uses a different url than we use in other places for our game. (It is the canonical one; its the other locations using .com). Also, its missing the end of sentence period after the url.
  • p.166 - Chapter Points - RRC - change skills is listed as 30 CP to sell back a skill; the RDB has it implemented at 60 CP. Which is correct? Also, I thought there were some additional officially supported CP expenditures (like spellbooks).
  • p.166 - Refuge Points - this has the .com url rather than the canonical .org. We should also get the URL for the magic item purchase to link
  • p.168 - Character Management - we should include a link to the RDB.
  • p.169 - Logistics - we have a Weapon Tags section in another part of the rulebook that has different information than the Weapon Tags Log I added in the logistics section. We should see if we really need the other section or not.
  • p.169 - Logistics - RRC - Weapons can't be flagged as “magic” any more. RRC should evaluate if all the tag info included in this section is accurate.
  • TBD - Body and Armor Points - RRC - the max armor point values for rogue & adept are swapped
  • Stuff entirely missing:
    • Tagged Roleplay Item cost


  • revisit formal link formal magic after importing the formal magic section to check term consistency (rank vs level


  • consider renaming channel high magic skills that don't involve channeling
  • we should find out if we are calling it RDB or RPDb.

Tags & physreps:

  • I kinda think we want to pull the tag info from the Logistics section and put it with the phys-reps section
  • there's also some additional tag info in the weapon section that could be pulled in too
  • there's also some physrep rules in the ritual section around targets that might make sense to pull in as well
  • there's also some physrep rules in the stealing section that might be useful to include in the physrep section
jerrod_s_recommended_changes.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/10 22:10 by

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