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Production Skills

To create game items such as potions, scrolls, elixirs, Weapons, traps, and armor, you must first buy the appropriate Skill with your XP. Each time you buy a Production Skill, you get five Production Points (PP) of that type to spend in each LP. Production Points do not carry over from day to day or event to event. You cannot transfer or combine your Production Points with another player.

Items can be made in two ways. The simplest is to create items at Logistics. You will be asked to show your Battle Board with your Skill level. You must also pay a copper piece per Production Point. This game money represents the raw materials and other costs associated with producing the item.

Alternatively, you can make an item at a Crafting Station. This is a specific on-site location designated by your chapter’s staff (often this will be the same as where you go for Logistics). You will find a Production Sheet there, on which you must fill out one row for each type of item you are building. If you are using a Workshop, add the Workshop ID in the appropriate column. Put the correct amount of IG coin into the box or envelope provided for that purpose and fill out one of the blank tags left on the table as appropriate for the item you are building. The item tag must be signed by a Crafting Marshal (a player who has been authorized for this purpose) who witnesses you filling out the Production Sheet and dropping off your IG coin. Keep in mind that costs for additional batches or additional coin requirements (like for Strengthening or Silvering) must be paid just as if you were producing the item at Logistics.

Individual Chapters may have slightly different layouts and expectations for their Crafting Stations based on their specific site needs. If you have any questions, ask a Marshal.

After you have purchased ten levels of any Skill, you are considered a Journeyman, and after twenty levels, you are a Master. These levels will provide extra bonuses, such as being able to make items at a reduced cost or being able to identify them quicker.

Workshops: It is possible to become more productive in making Production Point items if you have access to a workshop that specializes in making them. A workshop will double your base Production Points, thus making it possible to produce more of an item than normally possible. There are specialized workshops for each type of Production Skill. You can purchase these specialized workshops for ten gold pieces each. You must still pay the proper amount in copper pieces in order to get your Production Point items even with a workshop. 40 Production Points of anything made will cost 40 copper pieces whether done in a workshop or not. Workshops can only be used by one person per LP. Your workshop tag will list your character’s name and the location of the workshop, as well as a unique ID for the workshop which must be written down when going to a Crafting Station.

A workshop can only be used when the game takes place in the location noted on the tag. For instance, if you buy a workshop in IG location A, you will not be able to use it in IG location B. You can, of course, buy a new workshop. Further, there may be plot reasons why you cannot use your workshop at a particular event.

You can buy several workshops located in all of the towns in which the game may possibly take place. Unlike all other treasure, workshops cannot be stolen.

A workshop can be sold or loaned to another character but can never be used by more than one character per LP. In other words, you cannot use the workshop, sell it to someone else, and then have the buyer use that same workshop on the same day. The new owner must wait until the next LP.

The selling of a workshop must be done at Logistics with both the seller and the buyer present to confirm the sale. A new tag with the new owner’s name on it will then be issued while the old tag will be destroyed.

Batches: Another way to increase the number of items you can create in any one gameday is by making large “batches.” Batching gives a character a new set of production points (at double cost in copper pieces) to be used as they see fit. These points do not need to be spent identically to earlier batches. After you use your normal Production Points for the day (whether with or without a workshop), you can then create a second “batch” at double the cost. The same limitations apply as per the first batch. You can use your workshop for each of these batches. A third batch may be made at triple cost, a fourth batch at quadruple cost, and so on. There is no limit to how many batches can be made other than the coin required.

Production Points from different batches may never be combined. In other words, you cannot combine your two 40 Production Point batches to make one item worth 80 Production Points. You are always limited by your Skill and your workshop.

Alchemy Production
Name Cost Type
Alchemical Solvent 5 Contact
Cure Wounds 5 Elixir
Intoxicate 5 Elixir
Liquid Light 5 Contact
Paranoia 10 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Hallucinate 10 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Oil of Slipperiness 15 Contact
Paste of Stickiness 15 Contact
Vorpal Coating 5 15 Contact
Weakness 15 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Antidote 20 Elixir
Poison Shield 20 Elixir
Cleanse 25 Elixir
Blast Globe 25 Globe
Enfeeble 30 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Sleep 30 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Charm 35 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Vorpal Coating 10 40 Contact
Paralysis 40 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Amnesia 45 Elixir
Berserk 45 Contact, Elixir, Globe
Enslavement Antidote 45 Elixir
Euphoria Antidote 45 Elixir

Weapon Cost Armor Value Cost
Arrow/Bolt 0.5 1-5 Points 10
Bludgeon 5 6-10 Points 20
Dagger 5 11-15 Points 30
Hatchet 5 16-20 Points 40
Staff 5 21-25 Points 50
Thrown Weapon 5 26-30 Points 60
Javelin 10 31-35 Points 80
Light Crossbow 10 36-40 Points 100
Short Bow 10 41-45 Points 120
Heavy Crossbow 15 46-50 Points 140
Long Bow 15 51-56 Points 170
Short Hammer 15 57-62 Points 200
Short Mace 15
Spear 15
Long Hammer 20
Long Mace 20
Short Axe 20
Long Axe 25
Short Sword 25
Long Sword 30
Polearm 40
Two-Handed Blunt 45
Two-Handed Sword 45
Shield 10
Silvering an Arrow/Bolt 1*
Silvering a Weapon 15*
Strengthening 50*
*Additional cost in Silver

Create Potion
Name Cost
Cure/Cause Wounds 5 per level; Healing or Chaos
is chosen when potion is made
Endow 5
Weapon Shield 10
Weakness 15
Awaken 20
Cleanse 20
Disease 20
Cure Disease 20
Release 25
Silence 25
Spell Shield 25
Elemental Shield 30
Restore 30
Sleep 30
Wither 30
Charm 35
Destruction 35
Drain 40
Paralysis 40
Purify 40
Reflect Spell 40

Create Scroll
Name Cost
Evocation Bolt 5 per level; element is
chosen when scroll is made
Disarm 5
Lesser Investment 5
Light 5
Slow 5
Weapon Shield 10
Pin 10
Repel 10
Shackle 15
Shatter 15
Wall of Force 15
Awaken 20
Shun 20
Release 25
Spell Shield 25
Elemental Shield 30
Sleep 30
Wizard Lock 30
Web 35
Charm 35
Dispel 40
Reflect Spell 40

Create Trap
Name Cost Type
Slow Globe 10 Globe
Shatter Globe 20 Globe
Silence Globe 30 Globe
Noisemaker Trap 5 Trap
Gas Trap 25 Area Trap
Scroll Trap 25 Area Trap
Weapon Trap 2 damage per pp Trap
Mechanical Trap 1 damage per pp Trap
Explosive Trap 1 damage per 2 pp Area Trap
production_skills.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/24 06:33 by

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