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High Magic Effects


Times Ever

Each time this Smart Return type defense is selected it provides protection against a single attack from a specifically chosen Effect Group chosen by the caster; any Effect Group other than “Coating” or “Other” may be chosen. The Bane will Return the specific effect from among those in its Effect Group back upon the attacker as if it were an effect encountering a Reflect Spell. When used, the character must call “Bane.”

Bane does not alter the delivery type of the effect. An Enfeeble Poison that has been Baned is still considered a Poison for the purposes of delivery-based defenses such as Poison Shield or Resist Poison.

Bane will act as a Cloak when used against Ingested delivery, a trap, or a Killing Blow.

Celestial Armor


This High Magic ability allows the Formal Caster to add a powerful barrier of protection to their existing armor. Celestial Armor grants 2 additional maximum Armor Points per purchase (for a maximum of 10 bonus points), which add to the user’s currently used Armor (no matter its source) and may go above their normal maximum. Note that this does not affect how the Armor is refit; for example, Blacksmithing is still required to refit a suit of physical armor enhanced with Celestial Armor.

Channel Healing/Chaos


Each time this ability is selected, the caster chooses either Healing or Chaos. This augmentation allows the character to channel this element through those Weapons in which they have the Skill for the duration of the LP. Just like the Earth Blade and Chaos Blade spells, they may choose whether to invoke this element with each swing of their Weapons.

This ability may not be purchased more than once in a single LP. The element selected to be channeled must be declared at the time of selection.

Channel Foundation Element


Each time this ability is selected, the caster chooses one of the four foundation elements (Stone, Lightning, Ice, or Flame).

This augmentation allows the character to channel this element through those Weapons in which they have the appropriate Weapon XP for the duration of the LP. Just like the Enhanced Blade spell, they may choose whether to invoke this element with each swing of their Weapons.

This ability may not be purchased more than once in a single LP. The element selected to be channeled must be declared at the time of selection.

Channeling Execution


Once this High Magic has been purchased, the character may Killing Blow using any one valid Channeling effect they have available by spending 5 Channeling points. This Killing Blow may be performed using any valid mechanism available (for example, a Weapon they are wielding or their hands).

Channeling Shield


A character who has purchased this High Magic may defend against incoming Spell and Elemental qualifier attacks. This defense may be used no matter what Effect is called with the attack, but it must be a damaging attack with a number attached.

The character must expend an equal amount of Channeling points from their pool when using Channeling Shield; if they have insufficient Channeling points available, they may not use this ability. When using Channeling Shield to stop an attack, the character must call “Cloak” as a Smart Guard defense. This ability may be used any number of times once purchased so long as the character has sufficient Channeling Pool available.


Times Ever

Each time this Smart Guard type Defense is selected it provides protection against a single attack from a specifically chosen Effect Group chosen by the caster; any Effect Group other than “Coating” or “Other” may be chosen. When used, the character must call “Cloak”.

The Cloak will completely Guard against the specific effect from among those in its Effect Group as if the effect were encountering a Spell Shield or Weapon Shield.

Earth’s Bounty


This ability grants an Earth caster an increase of 2 maximum Body Points. This ability can be purchased a maximum of five times, providing up to 10 additional Body Points to the caster. These points can be healed to maximum by normal healing means.

In all respects, this ability is as if the caster was of a higher level with the extra Body Points.

Elemental Augmentation

Times Ever

This augmentation changes the verbal required to deliver a single spell, which can now be delivered as “X Elemental <effect>.” If a Magic Storm spell is chosen, the Packets granted by the spell will be delivered with the Elemental qualifier instead of the Spell qualifier.

Enhance Signature Spell

Times Ever

This High Magic may be expended to double the numeric amount of one Signature Spell from memory (not Flex Casted). For example, if this ability is used for a 3rd level Evocation Bolt, its number would go from “15” to “30”. A 9th level Cause Wounds would go from “45” to “90”.

Exchange Spell

Times Ever

This High Magic functions just like the Spell Swap Ritual. Specifically, when this High Magic is used, a character may expend a memorized spell to gain use of a spell of an equal or lower level.

The use of this High Magic must be accompanied by at least 60 seconds of Focus role-play and the character must be in possession of a spell book containing both spells.

Once the character has completed their Focus, the player must recite the incantation of the spell to be expended and will then gain a use of the target spell. They must mark the expended spell off of their battle board and write in the new spell with an “S.”

If expended along with a Spell Swap Ritual, the spell swap may be done with a 3 second counted action instead of 60 seconds. In this case, the character should record the Spell Swap on their battleboard at the earliest reasonable opportunity.

Formal Magic


Each purchase of this High Magic ability grants one rank of Formal Magic, used for casting Rituals. See the “Formal Magic” section for details. A character with at least one rank of Formal Magic of the appropriate aspect may act as a secondary caster, adding one rank to the primary caster’s chances of success. Additional ranks may only be granted from each secondary caster via the Formal Link High Magic.

Higher Manifestation


A character with this High Magic may Channel a specific Channeling element valid for their Channeling pool without using a Source in that hand. Only elements appropriate to the High Magic school may be chosen, i.e. you need Earth High Magic points to use Higher Manifestation for an Earth Channeling pool.

This means that the character may Channel while holding an object (such as a Weapon or Shield) in their off hand. The hand selected to use Higher Manifestation must be marked with a symbol at least 1“ x 1” on the back of the hand or a glove worn on that hand. This ability may be purchased multiple times to allow for multiple elements.

Higher Manifestation may not be used to evoke Channeling pool in conjunction with a Source; if a Source is used, only elements appropriate to that Source may be manifested.

While it lasts, this High Magic may be invoked every time the character Channels at the character’s choice. A character need not have any Source on their person to Channel while using this ability.

Magical Channeling


A character with this High Magic may Channel a Celestial Channeling pool with the Magic carrier instead of what their Celestial Source in hand would normally produce. This choice is made for each individual Packet thrown.

Magical Conduit

Times Ever

When using this High Magic, the character may fill up to 9 levels in a Spell Store Ritual with spells appropriate to their Aspect. This requires the character to Meditate to fill the Spell Store. The character need not have Spell Slots to cast these spells normally. These spells must be in a spell book that the character studies during the Meditation session in which they purchase this High Magic.

The Spell Store Ritual must stay in the character’s possession for the duration of the Meditation session.

Oak of the Archmage


Oak of the Archmage allows a caster to evoke Channeling charges through a Staff instead of a Source. The caster must be proficient in the use of the Staff XP for this ability to be used.

When Oak of the Archmage is chosen, the caster must choose a single appropriate element for their Channeling pool(s). Multiple Oak of the Archmage High Magic effects may be used for multiple elements, including to empower it with both Earth and Celestial Channeling pools. Having a Staff Shattered, lost or stolen does not end the Oak of the Archmage effect, though a caster would need to find or purchase another Staff to continue to use this High Magic ability.

A character wielding such a Staff may also manifest their Channeling energy through its swings. The character may expend Channeling Pool points to swing with the call “X Elemental Strike <Type>”, where X is the amount of Channeling points they wish to expend. This may not be higher than their normal Channeling Pool maximum and may be enhanced using the Greater Wand Ritual. The type chosen may be any type they could normally channel through their Staff

Additionally, such a character may expend a Signature Spell from memory to swing with the call “X Spell Strike <Effect>”, where X is the damage of the Signature Spell and <Effect> is the effect appropriate to the expended Signature Spell.

Potion Mastery


Until the next LP, this character may expend a potion in their hand to touch-cast its effect as “X Spell <Effect>” into a Spell Store or Memory Strike Ritual as though using a Battle Magic spell to fulfill those Rituals’ requirements.

Powerful Meditation

Times Ever

This High Magic may be expended to Meditate a single Battle Magic spell (of either aspect) or Martial or Stealth Skill which was negated by a defense. The character must complete a normal Meditation session as if the ability had missed without resolving. The character may only use this High Magic on an ability they expended while they had this Powerful Meditation High Magic prepared. They may not use Powerful Meditation on an ability they expended before they prepared the Powerful Meditation High Magic.

Protective Reflex

Times Ever

This provides a personal Prison spell for the caster in extreme emergencies. The Protective Reflex ability allows the caster to choose to activate this Prison in response to any effect that strikes them; the Prison effect then acts as if it was cast before the effect struck. When triggered, the character must state “Protective Reflex. No Effect: Visible Prison” as a response to the attack.


Times Ever

This provides a personal Life spell for the caster in extreme emergencies. A Rebirth will automatically activate a Life spell on the caster as if it had been touch-cast and accepted during their Death Countdown at 4 minutes 59 seconds. However, the player always has the option to Resurrect as normal and forgo using this High Magic ability in order to save it for a later time; unlike most High Magic, this ability will survive Resurrection if unused.

If a Rebirth is used while Engulfed, your Death Countdown will be reset. When a Rebirth is used, the character must state “Rebirth”.

Ritual Manipulation

Times Ever

This ability allows a caster to manipulate a Ritual they plan to cast later in the same LP. In order to use this ability, you must have the Ritual Scroll you wish to manipulate, all reagents required to cast it, the catalyst (if required), and the appropriate amount of formal levels.

Each time this ability is taken, the caster may choose one Ritual Manipulation they wish to apply when they perform a full casting of the chosen Ritual. Note that a Ritual Manipulation is specific to a single type of scroll (e.g. “Arcane Armor”) but not the specific scroll you are bringing to Logistics. The prerequisite for each type of manipulation must be met individually on a scroll to caster basis, and is based on their current Formal Magic level compared to the chosen difficulty of the target Ritual Scroll.

Some Ritual Manipulations provide Empowerment effects for varying lengths of time. Using an Empowerment, a caster can “supercharge” the Ritual they are casting, granting a greater effect in some unusual way. The Empowerment itself cannot be extended by any means. After this period, these items return to their base Ritual stats as the magic settles down. The exact nature of how a Ritual is more effective is up to the local Plot team. The more impressive role-playing and Ritual casting performed, the greater the Empowerments.

An item may only ever have one Empowerment active on it. Further attempts to Empower other Rituals on the same item will automatically fail.

Empowerments do not count as “Rituals” for the purpose of Ritual Slots. Plot may choose to preemptively expire or alter an Empowerment at any time if they choose to do so. Empowerments may never travel outside the chapter in which they were cast; an item with an active Empowerment will act as normal for its base Rituals (without the Empowerment effect) if taken to another chapter.

The types of manipulations and their prerequisites are listed below and are arranged according to the number of levels needed of Formal Magic above the Ritual to be cast.

Foresight: When using this Manipulation, if a Backlash is rolled, the caster may roll twice (rerolling a duplicate result) and choose which of the two rolled Backlashes applies. No further rerolls—such as from additional purchases of Foresight — are allowed. The caster must have at least as many levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school as the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Casters’ Mark: This allows the caster to add a small sigil or rune on the target of the Ritual. This can be no larger than 3“ on a side. This Mark will remain as long as the Ritual with this ability remains on the item and cannot be removed from the item while any Rituals of this batch remain.

This ability may only be taken once per batch. Plot must approve the design of the sigil to be placed on the Item. The caster must have five levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Improved Chance: This will add 1% success chance to the Ritual being cast. This ability can only be used up to five times per Ritual and never for a greater chance than 95%.

This is accomplished by rolling either two ten-sided dice (with one representing the “ten” column and one representing the “ones” column) or rolling one die twice—first for the tens digit then again for the ones digit. The caster must have five levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Insert Reagent: This allows the caster to swap out a single required reagent for another single required reagent listed on the Ritual Scroll.

The caster must have five levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Lore Answer: This ability allows the caster to enter a note on the Magic Item tag which dictates what information, if any, the caster of a Lore Ritual will receive.

For each purchase of this ability, the caster may stipulate one “answer” which will be the first answer the caster of the Lore Ritual will receive from Plot. It is up to the discretion of Plot how much, if anything, the caster of the Lore Ritual will receive beyond this answer.

The caster must have five levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Conservative Casting: This allows the use of one less reagent. This ability cannot be combined with any other ability that allows a reduction in reagent cost and may only be purchased once.

All components as specified on the scroll must be present at the time of casting. After the Ritual has been successfully cast, the caster may choose and retain the component(s) which were not consumed due to this Ritual Manipulation.

The caster must have ten levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Disguised Casting: this ability renders a Ritual so that observers and creatures in the area are not informed they “feel magic all around them” thus preventing the magical emanations which would alert creatures to the presence of the Ritual caster. In addition, anyone studying the Ritual is unable to determine if the Ritual is Earth, Celestial or Necromantic in nature.

The caster must have ten levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Quicken Casting: This will reduce casting time by 20% with a maximum time reduction of 80% (with four purchases). The target of this Ritual may refuse to allow the time reduction to work. This ability will not work with any Ritual which is listed as “unavoidable” such as Obliterate, Divestiture, or Banish to Other Plane.

The caster must have ten levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Spark of Empowerment: This Manipulation will provide an Empowerment for twenty-four hours or until the next LP, whichever is shorter. The caster must have ten levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Choose Flaw: The caster may choose to add a flaw to the item from one of the following flaws. The caster may purchase this manipulation multiple times to add more flaws on items.

  • Limit the item’s use to a specific species or prohibit a specific species from using this item.
  • Require a specific Skill to use or require the user not have a specific Skill.
  • Require a certain action, phrase, or gesture before, during or after activating.
  • Require the item be worn or held or manipulated in a certain way.
  • The item will only function under specific conditions (such as time of day or in specific weather.)

If contradictory flaws exist, the item is rendered unusable. Flaws are applied to an item, not to specific Rituals. Thus, so long as an item retains any Rituals (and thus a Magic Item tag), all flaws on that item remain. The caster must have fifteen levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Note: Flaws do not apply if a player does not know about them, however, any communication about the item’s powers (such as Identification or handing an item off from one person to another) must include an OOG communication detailing the flaws.

The intent of this clarification is that players with knowledge of any powers of the item should also (even if only OOG) be informed of the flaws of the item.

Obvious Power: This allows the caster to create an item which has a flaw added to it where anyone who inspects the item is able to identify the Aspect of the magic (Earth, Celestial or Necromantic) without the need for a Greater Celestial Circle of Power or a Lore Ritual.

If an Obfuscate Ritual exists on an item or is added to the item at any later time while this Ritual is still active, this ability will be removed. The caster must have fifteen levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Terminate Ritual: This ability allows the caster to voluntarily end the Ritual casting with no ill effects. At any time during the Ritual, the caster may activate the ability, ending the casting and retaining possession of all the Ritual components and scrolls as if the Ritual had not been started. The Ritual may be restarted within 10 minutes. No matter what, a Terminated Ritual will still have its scroll and reagents destroyed if the Ritual is not reattempted within this 10-minute period.

The caster must have twenty levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Touch of Empowerment: This Manipulation provides an Empowerment for up to five days.

The caster must have twenty levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

True Conservation: This allows the caster to use two less reagents. All reagents as specified on the scroll must be present at the time of casting. After the Ritual has been successfully cast, the caster may choose and retain the reagent(s) which were not consumed due to this Ritual Manipulation.

This can only be purchased once and cannot be combined with any other ability that allows a reduction in reagent cost.

The caster must have twenty-five levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Alternate Reagent: The caster may add one additional “base reagent” to the scroll, allowing them to gather resources easier.

The caster must have thirty levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

True Empowerment: This Manipulation provides an Empowerment for a variable length of time, up to a maximum of the duration of the Ritual batch in which it was used. Plot may choose to set an expiration date earlier than the duration of the batch if they choose to do so.

The caster must have thirty-five levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Casting Insight: This ability allows the caster to roll twice to determine the success chance of their Ritual. The caster can then choose whichever die roll result they prefer of the two. These results are taken before any other Manipulations or High Magic abilities are used.

This ability may only be purchased once per Ritual.

The caster must have forty levels of Formal Magic from the appropriate school above the difficulty of the Ritual to be cast.

Scroll Mastery


Until the next LP, this character may read a Battle Magic scroll (which they would normally be able to cast) with the incant of a lower-level spell and utilize the incanted effect by expending the original scroll. The chosen spell must both be Scrollable and be in a spell book on the character’s person.

Spell Augmentation

Times Ever

Each time this ability is selected, the caster may deliver one of their memorized spells as “Spell <spell name>”, following all effects and deliveries rules. This may be used to deliver a spell while under a Silence. This may be used on spells changed via Flexible Casting.


Times Ever

Each time this ability is chosen, the caster may prepare one Spellcrafting charge from one Ritual Scroll that allows Spellcrafting. The Ritual Scroll itself must be studied when preparing this High Magic just as a spell caster would study battle magic spells. Like spell books, Ritual Scrolls are not consumed after studying for Spellcrafting (some scrolls may have exceptions to this).

At Logistics or a Crafting Station, the caster hands in the required reagents as specified on the Ritual Scroll. The caster must also give the Ritual Scroll over to verify that the Ritual Scroll is valid. The player will then be given a Spellcrafting tag. This tag states the Ritual studied, the caster’s name, and the current LP (“Friday”, “Saturday”, etc.). The caster then has until the end of the LP written on the tag to invoke the Ritual. If the player does not use their Spellcraft before it expires, the ability is lost until it can be studied again.

Spellcrafted Ritual Scrolls are cast like battle magic scrolls. All Spellcrafted Rituals must be cast IG. The verbal for casting a Spellcrafted Ritual is: “I call upon the power of <type> magic to craft <Ritual name and choices>.”

When casting, the Ritual Scroll must be in the hands of the caster and a Packet must be touched to the scroll before it is used. All Spellcrafted Rituals must be touch-cast onto a valid target. If that target has a spirit, the individual must state “accept” or “refuse.” Spellcrafted Rituals are treated as battle magic spells in all other ways.

Any special rules for casting specified in the description of the effect must be followed for the Spellcrafting to be successful. For example, in order to Invest someone in a Circle of Power, the caster must already be Invested and the caster and the recipient must be in that Circle of Power.

Spellcrafted Rituals generally expire after five days. Spellcrafted Rituals cannot be extended in any way. The recipient of a Spellcrafted Ritual must carry the tag throughout the duration of the Ritual. The Ritual ends if the person Resurrects (unless the Ritual is of the Spirit Type), the duration expires naturally, the recipient receives a subsequent spellcrafted Ritual, or the Spellcrafting tag is lost. If a Ritual casting is placed on a recipient who has already received a spellcrafted Ritual, the spellcrafted Ritual immediately expires. Only the most recently spellcrafted Ritual is active on an individual recipient.

If a person is Spellcrafting a Ritual that stores a spell or ability, then a person with the ability to use that ability or cast that Ritual must, immediately after the Spellcrafting, touch the recipient and declare the name of the spell or ability to be stored. The recipient is not affected by the spell or Ritual being stored. The spell or ability used should be noted on the Spellcrafting tag when it is handed to the recipient.

If the casting is successful, it can take up to one hour for a summoned or created creature to appear. The Spellcrafted Ritual does not start its duration until the Cast comes IG. When casting a Spellcrafted Ritual that lasts one hour or less, the scroll is consumed and should be immediately torn in half and given to the Crafting Marshal.

When Spellcrafting an item, the caster must attach the Spellcrafting tag to any item upon which a Ritual is cast. The Ritual expires if the item is destroyed, the Spellcraft duration expires naturally, or the Spellcrafting tag is lost. Only the most recently spellcrafted Ritual is active on an item.

Any Rituals that summon, create, or animate creatures require Plot approval before they can be cast and the casting will consume the Ritual Scroll. This ensures that Cast and appropriate monster cards are available.

The Plot Committee may decide that a spellcrafted Ritual automatically fails if Cast and/or monster cards are not available at the time of casting. Under that circumstance, the Ritual Scroll should not be consumed and the Plot Committee and the caster should work out a more convenient time for the invocation of the Ritual.

Players who are to role-play the summoned, animated or created creatures need to see a member of the Plot Committee prior to entering the game to establish the creature’s personality and reactions.

When creating Undead, a Plot-approved graveyard is the only proper recipient of the Ritual. Undead creation may also involve the consumption of some coins. Any such requirements are listed on the Ritual Scroll.

Storm Augmentation

Times Ever

The caster may trigger one (and only one) of this High Magic ability when casting a Storm spell. This augmentation allows the caster to move during that Storm spell (though they still must follow all other Concentration requirements). The caster will also gain 5 additional Packets to throw during the Storm. Other types of Augmentations (such as Spell or Elemental) may be used with the same spell.

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