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  • Spell: None
  • Effect Group: Alteration
  • Duration: 5 Minutes
  • Production Type: Elixir, Gas, Coating
  • Incantation: None

Enfeeble will cause the target to be under a terribly debilitating effect for five minutes, during which time the target can move no faster than a crawl and may not use Game Abilities. The target must role-play one of the following effects: uncontrollable laughter (“laugh”), violent nausea (“nausea”), extreme vertigo (“vertigo”), or complete lack of focus (“feeblemind”). If the Enfeeble effect is delivered with one of the keywords listed in quotes above, that specific role-play effect must be chosen by the target. The target may still speak while under this effect, but they should keep the chosen or required role-play in mind while doing so.

enfeeble.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/25 07:08 by

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