This Skill allows you to place an accurate value on certain IG items. It will not identify whether those items are magical, but only how much they might fetch on the open market.
This is usually accomplished by consulting an OOG list that your chapter will keep. This “Merchant Value List” will contain the IG items that have a game number, along with their monetary value. If an item does not have a number on this list, a character finding such an item will be perplexed by the material or technique and thus unable to identify its worth.
This Skill also allows the character to sell game items (potions, scrolls, Alchemical substances, armor, Weapons, and traps) to Logistics during normal LPs for their Production Point value in IG money. Items that are not produced through the Production Point system (components, ritual scrolls, Magic Items, etc.) cannot be traded in, and must be sold IG. A Channeling Source can be sold to Logistics for 2 silver pieces.
If a Production Point item is sold which has had additional Production performed upon it at a set cost (such as Strengthening or Silvering), a Merchant may regain the additional Production Point cost that was originally put into the item.