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Formal Magic

Formal Magic grants casters the use of potent Ritual Scrolls to create long-lasting, durable, magical effects that extend beyond what can commonly be achieved through spells alone.

Characters with High Magic can designate some of their High Magic points to their Formal Magic Skill, if they cCast 9th level spells (the prerequisite for Formal Magic). To utilize Ritual Scrolls to their fullest potential, a firm knowledge of how the Circle of Power spell can be used is needed. Every rank a character has of Formal Magic can give them an increased chance of success for all Rituals cast during that LP. Formal Magic is not used up when a Ritual is cast, it is available for all Rituals cast until the next LP starts.

The Formal Magic system is there to provide and increase the potential for fun and excitement for the players. This system is not intended to be used to break, unbalance, or destroy a REFUGE LARP game. Staff, Ritual Marshals and adjudicators have final say regarding the results of all Rituals and their outcomes, especially if there is a disagreement regarding the rules.

A few examples that may require a staff member to intervene:

  • Players who try to force their perception of a rule on other players.
  • Players who use the letter of the rule to violate its spirit, and thus obtain advantage not intended by the REFUGE LARP or chapter staff.
  • Player who perform actions that are adverse or detrimental to the storyline of the local chapter or its players

More than other rules, Formal Magic allows for flexibility in its interpretation. This interpretation is done by the Plot Committee and staff, not the Player. Players who quarrel, hassle, or intimidate staff members with their disputes regarding the interpretations of the Formal Magic Rituals rules may have their ability to purchase Formal Magic removed.


“Battle magic” (the magic cast by spell-casters who have not yet mastered Formal Magic) is separated into three “aspects”: Celestial, Earth, and the perversion of Earth Magic known as Necromancy. A spellcaster focuses the raw elements of magic into a specific, understandable aspect, which produces a specific effect.

Similarly, when casting a Ritual, an effect will always come out as one of these three aspects. There are many scrolls which are written as “General” aspect, which means that the Ritual will take on the aspect of the caster at the time of casting.

Each purchase of Formal Magic is identified with a specific aspect: either Celestial or Earth depending on the High Magic used to purchase it. Earth Formal Magic is used to cast both Earth and Necromancy aspected Rituals. Some General aspect Rituals affect the performance of other Rituals (for example, by extending the other Rituals’ duration). Upon casting, the caster must decide which aspect of other Rituals shall be affected. If the caster chooses an Earth aspect, for example, any Celestial aspect Rituals within the Ritual’s area of effect will not be affected. If the caster chooses to affect Earth aspected Rituals, Necromantic Rituals will also be affected.

Necromantic aspected Rituals are visually recognizable as Necromantic, even if the invocation does not use the word “Chaos.” Any individual observing a Ritual may ask the OOG question, “Does this Ritual look Necromantic?” The Ritual Marshal should answer “yes” or “no” and may provide an IG description such as “Foul, corrupted flows of energy can be seen swirling within the Circle of Power.” All items that are created using a Necromantic aspect are given Earth aspect tags.

Ritual Scrolls

All formal magic requires a Ritual Scroll, which contains the description, directions, and limitations for the specific Ritual. The Ritual Scroll will typically appear in a laminated pouch that can be easily inserted into a notebook for player convenience. A Ritual Scroll may constitute several pieces of paper with a coded top sheet that prevents people without the High Magic Skill from reading it. Players should not look into the scroll sheets within the laminated pouch unless they possess the Skill High Magic.

Although Ritual Scrolls do not expire, almost all Ritual Scrolls are consumed immediately after use. Those that do not will be so noted on the scroll. After a casting has completed, the Ritual marshal will take the Ritual Scroll to Logistics to verify its validity. The use of an invalid scroll will cause a Ritual to immediately fail and may subject the caster to disciplinary proceedings.

All Ritual Scrolls are for use in the local chapter and campaign only. The use of a Ritual Scroll outside its chapter of origin is strictly forbidden to ensure that a chapter can properly validate its own Ritual Scrolls as genuine. The only exceptions come in periodic multi-chapter events that coordinate several chapter plots into a single game.

Every scroll contains the following information:

Validating information: Ritual scrolls are always signed by at least two members of a chapter’s staff and may have a specific code to be used by the chapter to ensure its validity.

Name: The Ritual’s name may not adequately describe the effect, so casters and Marshals should always refer to the description of the effect, rather than just the name. For example, a Conjuration scroll might conjure any type of elemental, even if the Ritual name says only “Summoning.”

Aspect: This lists whether the Ritual is general, Celestial, Earth, or Necromancy.

Difficulty Rating: Unmodified, this number represents how difficult the Ritual is to cast. This number might be adjusted at the time of casting by the actions of the Ritual caster or other factors, as specified in the description of the effect.

Ritual Type: This gives a general idea of what the Ritual does. Enchantment Rituals deal with adding powers to a person, place, or item. Extension Rituals will extend the duration of a batch of Enchantment Rituals. Divination Rituals are about learning something specific from a Ritual target. Summoning Rituals will summon a creature or item to the caster. Manipulation Rituals change something innate about the Ritual target.

Ritual Target: This defines what the Ritual can legally be cast on. Spirit Rituals can be cast on anyone with a Spirit; these Rituals will survive the target’s Resurrection. Body Rituals can be cast on anyone with a Spirit but affects only their physical body, which means that these Rituals will go away if the target Resurrects. Item Rituals can be placed on any physical item (but not a person); many Item-targeted Rituals will specify one or more specific types of Item on which they may be cast. Location Rituals must be cast on a specific location; staff members must approve any adjustments to the location of a Ritually active area (such as the location of a Healer’s Guild Circle) due to OOG concerns. For instance, if a cabin assignment must be changed due to OOG considerations, Rituals cast on the cabin should transfer to the new assignment. Note that no single target - whether a Spirit, Body, or Item - may ever have more than 20 Rituals on it at a time. If an additional Ritual is attempted on such a target, the target is considered invalid with all the penalties that implies.

Duration: Each Ritual has a specific duration listed from the following list:

  • Instantaneous: the effect occurs immediately after casting and then ceases.
  • Times Ever: The effect is in abeyance until invoked, according to the description of the effect. Once the Ritual has been activated, it is used up and will not return.
  • One Hour/Five Days/Special: The effect lasts a specific defined duration from the casting of the Ritual, as described in the scroll.
  • <Number> Logistics Periods: the Ritual will last a certain number of LPs. When brought to an event, it will be marked down for each LP of the event. Once all LPs are marked off, the Ritual fades and disappears.
  • Permanent: Permanent Rituals last until the item, body or spirit is destroyed or other specified criteria occurs.

Casting Time: If no casting time is listed on the Ritual Scroll, the casting time is five minutes. No Ritual will have a casting time exceeding one hour. Ritual scrolls with a casting time of one hour are rare and are usually that long in order to give other players enough time to attempt to stop its invocation.

Some Rituals refer to a “batch” of Rituals. This is defined by the character casting the Rituals, which must all be of the same Aspect and cast no more than five minutes apart. If more than five minutes passes between Rituals intended to be part of the same batch, the batch is closed and a new batch must be started.

Extension Rituals may be cast at any time during the Ritual batch. If an extender is cast as the last Ritual in a batch, the Difficulty/Reagent Cost is calculated off of the previous Rituals which were successful and on the item. If an Extension Ritual is cast at the beginning or any time in a batch other than as the last Ritual, the Difficulty and Reagent cost of the extender is based off the intended number of Rituals in the batch and is not modified by failing Rituals which occur after the extender is placed. Once a specific level of difficulty has been chosen for the extender, the maximum Rituals which can be affected by that extender is set for the remainder of the batch.

Ritual Instructions: This explains the effect of the Ritual and how Logistics will be required to resolve the effect IG, as established by the Plot Committee. It will also indicate if the Ritual can be Spellcrafted and whether the Ritual requires Plot Committee approval or notification before invocation.

Components: This identifies the specific reagents and catalysts required for the Ritual. Reagents required for a specific Ritual are usually generated randomly so no two Ritual Scrolls are ever identical, even if they have the same name. Even copies of a scroll will require different components (and thus the wording on the “copy” will change). If a scroll can be Spellcrafted, the scroll will specify how many of the specified reagents listed on this entry (usually one to three) are required.

Failure: This specifies the possible flaws and backlashes that might occur if the casting fails. Every scroll has completely different flaws and backlashes. The Ritual marshal will write any long-term negative effects on the player’s Character Card. Some backlashes and flaws may simply say “See Plot.” Others may have effects that will only appear in that chapter.

Backlashes are always detrimental and may even include the caster’s death. Backlashes can affect the caster, those inside the Circle during the casting, and even those watching the Ritual. All possible results are printed on the Ritual Scroll itself, so a caster knows in advance what the risks of casting the Ritual are.

Flaws are not always negative in nature. Sometimes a flaw may even enhance the effect of the Ritual.

Flaws and Backlashes that affect a character count as targeting the character’s spirit only if the source Ritual were targeting a spirit. Otherwise, Flaws and Backlashes are considered to be targeting the character’s body.

Note that Destroy Magic Backlashes targeting the caster will destroy all Rituals on the caster’s body and/or spirit.

Ritual Levels: Some Rituals can be cast at multiple levels based on the choice of the caster. For example, an Arcane Armor Ritual can be cast at six different levels to create a suit of armor from 5 to 30 points. The caster must state their choice when the Ritual is started and fulfill all requirements of the desired Ritual level.

Ritual Components

Ritual components are the fuel for Ritual casting and Spellcrafting. A Ritual Scroll will designate the specific type of Ritual components needed. Substitution is not allowed. Failure to use the exact Ritual components listed on the scroll will cause the Ritual to fail; using expired components can even cause a Ritual to Backlash!

Components are easily recognizable. Any person who picks up a Ritual component can immediately see a clear and distinguishable pulsing soft glow and hear a mild hum. OOG, this power is represented by a popsicle stick attached to the component along with documentation needed by the Ritual marshal. The popsicle stick will also identify the type of component it is. Anyone who finds one can identify what it is and that it is a Ritual component (although not which Rituals in which it may be used).

After a Ritual has been completed, the Ritual marshal officiating over the Ritual will collect any components used and return them to Logistics to be compared against the list of components that have been distributed by the campaign so their authenticity will then be verified. Any player who uses components of dubious origin may be disciplined.

There are two types of Ritual components: Reagents and Catalysts.

Reagents do not hold their magic forever and will expire after approximately five years. Any Ritual using an expired reagent will fail. The expiration date is clearly marked on the popsicle stick.

Some Rituals may require a catalyst (or allow one for some extra power of the Ritual), which is a very rare component distributed with very close supervision by the Plot Committee. While reagents are transferable between all REFUGE LARP chapters within the specific campaign, catalysts may only be used in the chapter in which they are distributed. Catalysts do not expire and are indestructible by normal means, much like items enchanted with lasting effects.

Catalysts typically have unique names such as “Essence of a Falling Star” or “Shard of a Hero’s Tomb.” Each Ritual that supports a catalyst has a specific catalyst assigned to it, designated on the specific Ritual Scroll.


There are ten categories of reagents, although the physical representation of each category may take different forms. For example, “Mugwort” is a magical plant. It could come in the form of a flower or even an acorn. The ten categories of reagents are:

  • Cariosus: Cariosus can be found in a powder, or in greasy, or gaseous form on many animated dead creatures. Called “the essence of unlife,” cariosus is frequently found in graveyards and on the bodies of the Undead. Cariosus can be very delicate, and it is sometimes even necessary to preserve the entire decaying limb, hand, or finger to preserve the cariosus upon it. It can often be found in vials as a liquid or gas, as its states are extremely chaotic. Despite its appearance, cariosus is not innately Necromantic.
  • Fangtooth (also known as “Bloodthorn”): Fangtooth components vary wildly and are often found from a diverse group of carnivorous creatures. Any predatory creature, even the thorns of some dangerous plant life, can produce a fangtooth.
  • Mugwort: Mugwort are plants that grow in natural settings abundant with magic or connected with the fey world, such as near serene ponds, near mushroom rings, or verdant forests. Many species often gather Mugwort for its magical properties.
  • Heartstone: Heartstone is typically associated with gems and other forms of rare metals. The magical transformation of a gem or metal into heartstone is rare, making these items known for their value even if they were not infused with magic. Heartstone is the essence of the Earth itself.
  • Jetsam (also known as “Hydrite”): Jetsam is the essence of the ocean, typically found in shells and other waterborne articles that have spent a long time in the sea or beneath the water.
  • Ley Ore: This is a crystalline mix infused with power of Ley lines and Fey power. This is commonly derived from Fey creatures and the realms they inhabit, but occasionally manifests in the REALMS OF REFUGE as a crystallization of pure magical energy.
  • Nightshade (also known as “Goblinbane”): Nightshade is typically found in the form of poisonous mushrooms cultivated on the darkest nights, within places where many living creatures have died. One may find nightshade on battlefields, graveyards, or even in fallow fields. Nightshade also includes semi-poisonous substances such as belladonna, mandrake, and wolfsbane.
  • Penna (also known as “Windkiss”): Penna are feathers kissed by the wind. Something magical happens when the wind strikes the feathers of magical creatures, causing them to become endowed with a mystical quality. Penna can be found in nearly any location where avian creatures frequent. Penna is frequently called “the essence of the wind.”
  • Tritora (also known as “Lastember”): Tritora is a black substance typically found near areas of great fires or where intense heat converts a substance into the very essence of fire.
  • Truesilver (also known as “Magnetite”): Truesilver is a substance with a mysterious origin. It is said that truesilver might be some form of quicksilver or a form of silver that has become magic upon the powers of an ancient ruler. Truesilver adds purity to many Rituals. It can be found within and on many stones and rocks, and even small traces of truesilver can endow common stones with power.

The Circle of Power

Circles of Power can be generated using the ninth-level battle magic spell Circle of Power or through the use of a formal Ritual. Ritual casting must be conducted within a Circle of Power and will automatically fail if attempted anywhere else. If a Circle of Power is destroyed or otherwise ends during the Ritual casting, the Ritual will automatically fail.

Once the Ritual begins, no individual may enter the Circle of Power (except through the Rituals Spirit Walk or Spirit Recall, or through appearing as a Spirit needing a Resurrection) or else the Ritual will automatically fail. If more than one Ritual is cast inside a Circle of Power simultaneously, the Ritual that was commenced later will automatically fail.

A battle-cast Circle of Power will last for one hour, which is often more than enough time for a wizard to cast several Rituals before it expires. Ritually cast Limited Circles of Power and Greater Circles of Power can last anywhere from days to years, or even be permanent.

Limited or Greater Circles of Power always possess either an Earth or Celestial aspect. When one of these Circles of Power is ritually cast, the caster determines the aspect of the resulting Circle of Power according to the aspect of Formal Magic that the caster possesses. A caster who possesses both Earth and Celestial Formal Magic may choose the aspect of such a Circle of Power.

Only Rituals possessing a general or Celestial aspect may be cast in a Circle of Power with a Celestial aspect. Only Rituals possessing a general, Earth or Necromantic Aspect may be cast in a Circle of Power with an Earth aspect. Rituals of the wrong aspect for a Circle will simply not start.


Investiture is a Ritual that must be performed upon a person while present in the Circle of Power into which the person is to be Invested. An Invested member of a Circle of Power can walk in and out of the Circle unimpeded at any time, unless that member is unconscious (or conscious yet unwilling). An unconscious or unwilling member of the Circle of Power will not pass through the Circle unless “recognized” by another Invested member, even if the member requires a Life spell.

Individuals who are not Invested may not enter or exit a Circle of Power unless “recognized” by an Invested member of that Circle of Power. The Invested member must clearly acknowledge that permission to enter or exit the Circle of Power has been given, by gesturing to and saying “recognized.” This is an OOG statement, and it can therefore be made even when Silenced. Upon recognition, the individual must immediately enter or exit the Circle of Power. The recognition expires almost immediately after being recognized.

An individual who seeks to use combat-related Game Abilities (such as fighting or spellcasting) must be completely inside or outside of the Circle of Power throughout the action. For example, a player may not begin a spell incantation while within the Circle of Power and then step outside to throw the Packet; nor can a player stand within the Circle of Power and swing a Weapon at a target located outside the Circle of Power. Wizards need not be Invested in order to cast a Ritual in a Circle of Power, although they must be able to get inside somehow whether through recognition, casting the Circle themselves, or other powerful magics.

Greater Circles of Power

Greater Circles of Power are usually found only in Healer’s Guilds and Scholar’s Guilds. Raiding a Circle of Power requires the player to adhere to all of the rules applicable to raiding a cabin.

An Invested member of a Celestial Greater Circle of Power may perform an unlimited number of Identifications on items or individuals per LP, as long as the item or individual to be Identified is completely within the Circle at the time. If performed on an item, Identify tells the caster whether the item has any magical properties and how the item works. If performed on an individual, Identify tells the caster what active effects or Rituals are present and will also Identify any Magic Items the individual is carrying or wearing. Some powerful magical creatures or artifacts may be impossible to identify. Identify does not reveal background, Species, age, class, Skills, monster abilities, favorite color, or any other information other than what has previously been mentioned.

An Invested member of an Earth Greater Circle of Power can perform an unlimited number of Resurrections each LP, as long as the member and the spirit to be Resurrected are completely within the Circle of Power and they have the Healing Arts Skill. A Resurrection requires ten minutes to complete and brings the recipient to full Body Points. During the ten minutes, it is apparent to all observers that a Resurrection is occurring, but the exact identity of the person being Resurrected will be unknown to all but the Invested member performing the Resurrection. To be clear, an invested person may begin a Resurrection, but it may only be completed by someone with the Healing Arts Skill. The person with Healing Arts, does not have to be invested in the Circle, but must be inside it to complete the Resurrection.

For more on Resurrections, see the Life and Death section.

Preparing for Ritual Casting

Ritual casting is a complicated process. If every component, every element, and every action is not taken properly, the Ritual will fail. Any player seeking to cast a Ritual must follow the following steps and have the appropriate staff member(s) present:

Inform Plot: If possible, casters who intend to Ritual cast at an event should alert campaign staff well in advance that a Ritual may occur at the event. Some Rituals require the campaign’s Plot Committee be notified, especially if the Ritual requires Cast to perform actions, or if the Ritual requires a member of the Plot Committee to provide information or other support. Some Ritual Scrolls require the notification of the Plot Committee prior to Ritual casting, and failure to do so may mean that you will not be allowed to perform the Ritual that event or else that the Ritual will automatically fail.

Gather Resources: The caster should take the time to make sure all of the required resources are ready. Failure to have any of these prerequisites available at the time of Ritual casting means the Ritual cannot be conducted, and the Ritual marshal may confiscate and break one Ritual component in the caster’s possession. The caster is responsible for ensuring that the following items are available when a Ritual marshal is sought to officiate:

  • A physical representation for the Circle of Power (if the caster is not using a Greater Circle of Power.)
  • A copy of the Formal Magic section of this Rule Book.
  • A 10-sided die.
  • The Ritual Scroll or scrolls to be used; the caster must have at least a one in ten chance of successfully casting the Ritual.
  • The Ritual components required for each Ritual Scroll.
  • Valid recipients for each Ritual, whether items or persons. Any item to receive a Ritual casting must already be approved for use (for example, Weapons must be safety checked before being the target of a Ritual.)
  • Any additional players or Cast required for the Ritual.
  • The caster’s Character Card, as well as the Character Cards of any Ritual casters aiding in the Ritual casting.

Obtain Ritual Marshal: A Ritual marshal is a staff member approved by the chapter in which the Ritual is to take place. It is important to remember that Ritual Marshals can be very busy, so it is the caster’s responsibility to take the time to make sure everything is ready to proceed before obtaining a Ritual marshal and to minimize the amount of time a Ritual marshal will be needed. Depending on the Ritual, the caster may also need to request a “Magic Item temporary tag” from the Ritual marshal. Players should be quick, professional, and courteous when conducting a Ritual. Especially when casting multiple Rituals in a row, players should schedule with a Marshal ahead of time; failure to do so may result in the Ritual Marshal being unable to stay for all Rituals in a batch.

Get Ritual Ready: Upon arrival, the Ritual marshal will take the following steps, with which the players involved should cooperate:

  • Ritual marshal identifies the primary caster and any additional casters who will assist in the Ritual
  • Ritual marshal reviews the casters’ Character Cards to note how many levels of the appropriate school of Formal Magic they possess. Note that a Ritual Caster may choose to not use all of their Ritual Levels when casting if they so desire
  • Ritual marshal reads the first Ritual Scroll thoroughly, asking relevant questions. For example, if the scroll cCast a more powerful form of the Ritual, the marshal should ask the player what level of the Ritual the caster is attempting
  • Ritual marshal confirms that all the required components and recipients are present within a valid Circle of Power
  • Ritual marshal calculates and informs the players of the Difficulty Rating of the Ritual
  • Ritual marshal calculates and informs the players of the chance of success of the Ritual as follows: The Success Number used for the Ritual roll is ten plus the primary caster’s Formal Magic levels minus the Ritual’s Difficulty Rating. If using secondary casters to aid in the Ritual, add one to the number of caster formal levels for each valid secondary caster participating
  • Ritual marshal repeats this process for each Ritual the players intend to conduct
  • Ritual marshal informs the players they may begin the first Ritual
  • The caster casts the Circle of Power spell if not already inside a Circle

Conduct the Ritual: The caster begins the Ritual casting by stating the words “Begin Ritual casting.” The caster must be able to read the scroll and must be able to use Game Abilities throughout the casting. The caster must touch a valid recipient for the Ritual within thirty seconds of beginning the Ritual, or the Ritual automatically Backlashes. So long as the target of a Ritual has been signified by touching it within the first thirty seconds of the casting, the target remains valid despite any other steps taken to prevent the caster from touching the target (such as the target suffering a Prison effect after being touched).

A dead body may be the target of a Ritual; however, if it leaves the circle before the Ritual is complete (such as dissipating to go Resurrect), the Ritual will Backlash.

Once touched, the caster may not designate a new recipient for the Ritual. During the Ritual casting, the caster cannot do much of anything but speak and fulfill the actions required in the Ritual Scroll.

No spells or Game Abilities may be used by the caster from the point the caster states “Begin Ritual casting” until the Ritual ends, except High Magic, Educated, and any Skill or spell specifically set forth on the Ritual Scroll.

If a person is casting a Ritual that stores a spell or ability, then a person with the ability to use that ability or cast that spell must, at the appropriate point in the Ritual, touch the recipient and declare the name of the spell or ability to be stored. The recipient is not affected by the spell or Ritual being stored and the person with that Skill or spell should only utter the name of the Skill or spell, not the verbal that invokes the effect.

Casting Rituals

After the caster states “Begin Ritual casting,” the following steps must occur before the Ritual is deemed complete:

  1. If the recipient of the Ritual is an individual, the Ritual marshal will ask the recipient, “A Ritual is being cast on you. Do you accept it?” (note that a player must accept any Rituals that do not allow refusal, such as Banish to Other Plane, Divestiture, and Obliteration). If the player says “no,” the Ritual marshal must follow the rules set forth below under the heading “Unwilling Targets.”
  2. The Ritual marshal makes sure that everyone in the Circle of Power is awake OOG.
  3. The Ritual marshal assures that the Ritual can properly begin.
  4. If the Ritual has not yet failed or automatically backlashed, the Ritual marshal tells everyone in the Circle of Power, “There is magic all around you” or a similar phrase.
  5. The Ritual marshal calls “Lay on.”
  6. The Ritual marshal rolls the ten-sided die once where the caster can observe the die roll. As the die roll takes place before the Ritual completes, the caster has IG knowledge of whether something is not going well with the casting and may use Terminate Casting to abort the Ritual based on the die roll.
  7. The Ritual marshal determines if the Ritual fails for any reason other than the die roll.
  8. The Ritual marshal waits the duration of the Ritual casting, in case a condition occurs that would cause an automatic backlash.
  9. Assuming the Ritual has not automatically Backlashed, the Ritual marshal announces either “You have successfully completed the Ritual” (if the Ritual succeeded) or “Something has gone dreadfully wrong”, or similar, if it has failed.

The Ritual has now ended.

Determine Success or Failure

Assuming no automatic failure or backlash occurs, the success or failure of the Ritual is determined using a ten- sided die as follows:

  • If the number is less than or equal to the Success Number and is not “0,” then the Ritual succeeds.
  • If the number is greater than the Success Number or is “0,” then the Ritual marshal rolls a second ten-sided die. Any result but a “0” on the second die roll indicates a flaw. A “0” on the second die roll indicates a backlash, which requires the Ritual marshal to roll a third ten-sided die and look on the Backlash table on the Ritual Scroll to determine the form of the Backlash.

A successful Ritual follows the procedure set forth in “Success,” below. A Ritual that fails or Backlashes follows the procedure set forth in “Failure,” below.


The Ritual marshal either awards the successful caster a temporary tag for the Ritual conducted or makes sure the Ritual effect is carried out by informing the Plot Committee or by personally overseeing the Ritual’s effect. A temporary tag allows the Ritual marshal to write down the Rituals conducted and indicate that a permanent tag for the Ritual should be awarded at the end of the event or at the beginning of the next event that the recipient of the Ritual attends.

The temporary tag should indicate the Ritual’s name, duration, recipient, aspect, effect of the Ritual, and any other pertinent information. The temporary tag should be signed by the Ritual marshal. Recipients should make sure the temporary tag has accurate information and is signed by the proper staff member(s). It is up to the recipient to ensure that the chapter’s Logistics team receives the tag at the end of the event so they may issue a permanent tag.

Please note that the Plot Committee reserves the right to assign plot effects that may not be set forth in the Ritual Scroll. When this occurs, the Plot Committee will likely designate such plot effects effective only in the local chapter.

Failure or Backlash

If the Ritual fails or Backlashes, the Ritual marshal will determine the effect, if any, of the failure or backlash based on the scroll’s charts. Any lasting effects will be written on the player cards of any individuals affected.

Casters are expected to role-play and resolve their flaws and backlashes without complaint for the duration listed on the Ritual Scroll. Local chapters also have the discretion to generate a unique plot effect or encounter based on a Ritual gone awry that may not be specified on the Ritual Scroll.

Failure Without Backlash

A Ritual will fail without Backlash if, at the time the caster states “Begin Ritual casting,” any of the following conditions are met:

  • The caster, Ritual Scroll and all required components are not in a Circle of Power.
  • The caster does not have at least a one in ten chance of successfully completing the Ritual without a flaw or Backlash.
  • The Circle of Power representation is not properly set up as per the Circle of Power spell rules prior to the beginning of the Ritual.
  • The caster fails to possess a Ritual Scroll for the Ritual to be attempted.
  • The caster fails to follow any preparatory requirements indicated on the Ritual Scroll prior to stating “Begin Ritual casting.”

Failure With Automatic Backlash

A Ritual will automatically Backlash if any of the following conditions occur after the caster states “Begin Ritual casting” and before the Ritual is complete:

  • Another Ritual casting has previously been commenced and not completed in the same Circle of Power when the caster states “Begin Ritual casting.”
  • A reagent provided for the Ritual has expired.
  • The caster does not touch a designated recipient within thirty seconds of starting the Ritual, if such a designation is necessary.
  • The caster designates an invalid recipient for the Ritual after stating “Begin Ritual casting.”
  • The caster, intentionally or inadvertently, after having touched a designated recipient for the Ritual, designates a new recipient of the Ritual.
  • The caster or other person designated in the Ritual Scroll fails to touch the recipient when declaring a Skill or spell to store in the recipient.
  • The caster cannot read the Ritual Scroll due to poor lighting or other obscuring factors.
  • The caster loses sight of the Ritual Scroll or any of the components.
  • The Ritual Scroll or Ritual components leave the Circle of Power.
  • The caster becomes unable to use Game Abilities.
  • Any individual enters the Circle of Power by any means other than Spirit Walk, Spirit Recall, or Resurrection.
  • The recipient, caster, or any individual aiding in the Ritual leaves the Circle of Power.
  • The Circle of Power expires or terminates for any reason.
  • The caster or those aiding the caster receive a Weapon or Packet delivered attack, even if the attack would not normally harm the individual.
  • Any additional requirements of the Ritual listed on the Ritual Scroll are not met.
  • The caster uses a Game Ability other than High Magic, Educated, or a Game Ability, spell, or Magic Item specifically indicated on the Ritual Scroll.

If an automatic backlash occurs, a die roll is made upon the backlash list. Any Ritual that suffers an automatic backlash is assumed to immediately fail. All Ritual Scrolls, catalysts and reagents within the Circle of Power during a Ritual that generates an automatic Backlash are destroyed.


Once success or failure has been resolved, the Ritual marshal should collect all Ritual components and Ritual Scrolls consumed in the Rituals. These will be turned into the Logistics staff to be registered in the campaign’s database. If there are more components in the caster’s possession than were needed to cast the Ritual, the caster may designate which components were consumed as long as they meet the requirements set forth in the Ritual Scroll.

Multiple Casters

Multiple casters may participate in the casting of the same Ritual. One, and only one, of the participants must be designated the “primary” caster. The other casters are known as the “secondary” casters.

Each secondary caster must have the same aspect as the primary caster and at least one level of the Formal Magic ability. For example, only secondary casters with a Celestial aspect can aid a primary caster with a Celestial aspect. The Ritual marshal should review the player cards of each secondary caster before the Ritual begins. For each qualified secondary caster aiding in the Ritual casting, the primary caster is deemed to have an additional level of Formal Magic for purposes of the Ritual being cast. No matter how many levels of the Formal Magic Skill each secondary caster possesses, the primary caster gains no more than one level per secondary caster present.

Moreover, the primary caster must have at least a one in ten chance to successfully complete the Ritual before the effect of the presence of any secondary casters is determined. No more than one secondary caster may aid a primary caster for each level of the Formal Magic Skill possessed by the primary caster. No matter how many secondary casters assist a primary caster, the chance of successfully completing a Ritual cannot exceed nine in ten. A flaw or Backlash is always encountered on a die roll of 0, regardless of the assistance of secondary casters.

Secondary casters must follow all the same rules with respect to the conduct of Rituals as the primary caster, except that secondary casters do not have to possess their own Ritual Scroll or Ritual components, do not have to be able to see or read the Ritual Scroll, and do not have to touch the recipient during the Ritual casting. Secondary casters may not withdraw their support for the Ritual after the Ritual has begun.

In case of failure or Backlash, secondary casters are subject to the same effects as the primary caster. For any other targeting purposes, the primary caster is considered the only “caster” of the Ritual unless otherwise specified on the Ritual Scroll.


Some Rituals allow the enchantment of specific items. These items must be approved before enchantment.

Weapons typically require a safety check. Jewelry needs to be entered into the chapter’s database and assigned an item number before the Ritual casting. The item must always have a surface large enough to engrave a number upon it. Only after the item has been approved is it ready to be used in a Ritual.

After the Ritual, assuming success, the item immediately becomes property of the game. Therefore, you should not use items you wish to keep. Alternatively, if you enchant your armor or a special item that you do not wish to make an IG item, if you are searched and the item taken IG, you must turn over the tag but waive the ability to recognize IG your item when it is used by someone else.

A specific item may not contain more than twenty Rituals. Some Rituals that can increase effects on a specific Ritual may count as more than one Ritual towards this twenty Ritual maximum. Note that this counts all Rituals on an item; an item may have multiple batches of Rituals each with their own tag, but the total number of Rituals may not exceed twenty.

Enchanted items sometimes have a limited life span. When a Ritual expires, the item’s owner is expected to turn the tag over to the campaign’s staff. Enchanted items immediately return to their normal state upon expiration.

Recipient Characters

Some Rituals can transform or change a targeted player into Undead, another Species, or another class. The player must follow the instructions on the Ritual Scroll after the Ritual is complete and the player’s new character information will be changed in the chapter’s database. Such players are expected to provide their own make-up for any transformation, if necessary. Sometimes the staff may be able to lend supplies for transformations.

As with items, individuals cannot possess more than twenty Rituals on their Spirit, including such rituals as Regenerate, Vengeance, and Spirit Link. If the individual dies, some Rituals may expire upon Resurrection if they were placed upon their Body.

Unwilling Targets: Sometimes Rituals are cast on unwilling recipients. The player of an unwilling recipient may inform the Ritual marshal that he or she wishes her character to Resurrect rather than accept the Ritual. In the case of Ritual effects delivered outside the context of a Ritual casting, the player may choose to have their character immediately dissipate and head to the nearest Earth circle for Resurrection, following the normal rules.

In such cases, the casting continues for its proper duration and then the Ritual marshal checks for failures normally. Any failures that could have a detrimental effect on the recipient of the Ritual are ignored, and the failures affect the caster or others in the Circle normally.

A recipient of a Ritual cannot choose to die in order to avoid the effects of any ritual marked as “unrefusable”, such as Obliteration, Banish to Other Plane, or Divestiture.

Remember that a caster cannot use Game Abilities inside the Circle of Power once the Ritual casting begins, though other characters within the Circle may do so.


Many Rituals—particularly Rituals that summon the Undead, extraplanar creatures, magical creatures, or that create Constructs—require the cooperation of Cast to play the summoned or constructed creatures. Some Rituals have specific effects that occur immediately and require a staff member to implement, like a Whispering Wind that allows the caster to send a message to another individual. These effects are executed by the Cast, the Ritual marshal or chapter staff.

A chapter’s staff may require the caster to provide individuals to play these Cast if the staff does not have Cast available. The caster should give their chapter staff advance warning of the casting of such a Ritual so that Cast can be scheduled if the staff is willing and able to do so. The caster has the burden to ensure there are Cast available that have been approved by staff at the time of casting. Proper arrangements should be made prior to undertaking the Ritual. If the caster provides Cast for these roles and the Cast are not otherwise participating in the event or are a paying player character for that event, the chapter staff may charge the Cast a fee for their attendance.

The caster is also primarily responsible for any make-up, costuming and Weapons for the Cast and if the staff does not have or is unwilling to provide such materials, the caster must provide them. Monster cards will be provided for the Cast.

The creatures that have been summoned or created are not player characters. They are not as smart as player characters and campaign staff can limit their capabilities and personality. All Cast must work within any limits the campaign staff sets, including limitations on the administration of Killing Blows, and on the caster’s commands that the Cast will follow. The Cast may not even be required to do the caster’s bidding at all. Only approved members of the chapter staff or their assigned proxies may role-play some particularly powerful creatures. Personal friends of the caster are not allowed to play such creatures.

formal_magic_section.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/26 01:07 by

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