Upon your death, you become a spirit. To indicate this, put on a white “OOG” headband, drop your IG belongings at the location of your death (as a spirit cannot carry anything aside from spirit-linked or spirit-locked items), and head to the closest designated Resurrection point. At this location you will register your death, so that the logistics team can be notified post-game to record it on your Character Card.
While you are a spirit, you are not visible or audible to the world around you, and you cannot interact with the people around you. Spirits also are not swift; they can only move as quickly as you can walk.
In most cases a Greater Earth Circle of Power is the standard Resurrection point, and this is where your spirit form will head for the Resurrection process. You are still unable to interact with anyone at this point, and eventually someone that is invested in the Greater Circle of Power will “sense” a presence in the Circle. They will know the identity of the spirit if the spirit was known to them in life, otherwise the spirit will remain an unknown identity. If the person invested in the Circle has the Healing Arts Skill, they can begin the guided Resurrection process. Generally, the Resurrectionist will speak to the spirit over a period of time (10 minutes) to guide the spirit back to the Material Plane. If the spirit chooses to return to their body, it will be fully restored to their body after the 10-minute period.
The identity of the spirit being Resurrected does not need to be known to the Resurrectionist. The Resurrectionist just needs to be invested in the Circle to start the process. If they don’t have Healing Arts, the spirit can be passed to another individual in the Circle that does for completion. If no one is available with Healing Arts, but the Resurrection has been begun, then the spirit can Resurrect on its own after 10 minutes. However, this is considered an unguided Resurrection, and IG is incredibly painful, both physically and emotionally.
When a character is restored to life after a Resurrection, they are clothed only in the basic apparel that fits their mental identity. This cannot include any tagged items, which should have been left where your character perished and turned into a spirit form. Note that some Magic Items might have exceptions where they will reform with a Resurrected character. If you wish to reclaim your IG items beyond this basic clothing, you’ll need to find it IG where it was left (or hope it was picked up by friendly people who will return the items willingly).
After a completed Resurrection, you will be back to your maximum Body Points and all remaining effects on your body will be gone, excluding Euphoria and Curse of Transformation. Lost memories due to Amnesia will not return post-Resurrection. Any lost Skills or spells eligible to be Meditated back are automatically considered successfully Meditated as soon as you Resurrect.