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The Bag of Chance

Each character gets two Resurrections that always succeed. Every death is added to their death total. Once you've used your two guaranteed Resurrections, you have a chance of permanently dying and being unable to return as the character you have been playing. When you are at the Greater Earth Circle to Resurrect, a Marshal or other designated individual will remind you of your Death Count and present you with the Bag of Chance.

The Bag of Chance contains ten stones split between two different colors. One color will represent the number of times you have died beyond the initial two “free” Resurrections; stones of this color are known as Death Stones. The other color will represent the number of potential lives you have left (always making the total number of stones to 10); stones of this color are known as Life Stones. A designated staff member will let you know which color represents what before you draw a stone. You will blindly reach into the bag and pull out one stone. If you pull a Life Stone, your spirit can successfully Resurrect yet again. But, if you pull a Death Stone, you are left with one of three choices:

Permanently die: If you choose this option, your body will reform at its location of death. You, as a player, do not have to stay there for the rest of the game; you may leave a note to indicate to other players that your “permanently dead body” is located there. If you have another character on the books, and that character’s gear, you are welcome to play that character after speaking with logistics for permission. Alternatively, you cCast for the rest of the event. Your Plot team will love having extra help for the event! This character is now no longer playable as it is permanently dead.

Die but create a half-XP character: You may also choose to immediately retire the character as per the following section, “Retiring Your Character” and create a new one at half-XP. This is in addition to having your character permanently die. You cannot turn in any items as they are left where your character died IG. Your body will reform where it died, as mentioned previously.

Have one more life: Lastly, you have the option to keep your character for one final chance at life. You would Resurrect successfully as if you had drawn a Life Stone from the Bag of Chance, but the next time you die, you will permanently die. There will be no option to draw from the Bag again. Your body will reform at the location of death as mentioned above. This is not a death that can be avoided or extended by any means. It is a final death. This means any rituals such as Regenerate, Controlled Spirit Store (Cast only), or Sacrifice. If this option is chosen, you cannot retire your character as mentioned in “Retiring Your Character” nor can you choose the option “Die but create a half-XP character”.

Your character will be aware that this will be your last chance at life, but no others IG will know. The individual performing the Resurrection will only know that the Resurrection was successful. It is then up to the character whether to tell everyone that their next death will be their last.

bag_of_chance.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/25 03:33 by

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