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To be a Stellarean is to be a member of a species of fallen stars. With this unique heritage comes an extraordinary birthright. Every Stellarean is connected to every other member of their species via a deep and subtle empathic bond. This means when two Stellarean meet for the first time, they are much more likely to get on well with each other, and most Stellarean bond more quickly and strongly with others of their own species. Not to say that the species is unable to harbor great and intense emotions towards members of other species; not every Star in the sky is part of a constellation. In fact, it has been said that a Stellarean can even form a bond with a non-Stellarean so strong, that something very like their species-wide empathic link is forged between them.

Stellarean have a natural curiosity for the world around them. Due to their Celestial heritage, everything about the world feels just a bit alien to them. This causes them to be drawn to meet new people, experience new things and travel to new places. Some find this need insatiable, causing them to wander far and wide, while others find they can satisfy it within their chosen community.

While the feel of being around other Stellarean is appealing to some, that empathic link can also become overwhelming. Some take to wandering alone or in groups of other species to clear their heads. But that pull to another Star is not insignificant and can sometimes contribute to the wanderlust a Stellarean feels, pushing some eventually to search for their own species once more.

Stellarean culture is eclectic. From the unique experiences each Stellarean has, they develop their own customs. As such, it is not unheard of for a newly arrived Stellarean to seek out those already established in that land. This is a way to appease that desire to meet more of their kind, but also make sure not to disrupt any of the customs those established Stellarean possess.

Stellarean personalities are as varied as the stars in the sky. However, they do have a tendency to be outgoing, friendly and irrepressibly free-spirited. Their lust for life is legendary. They don’t dress or speak in any particular way, instead being heavily influenced by the cultures around them.

As a fallen Star, Stellarean are mildly resistant to Earth Magic, giving them the ability to Resist Curse.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Curse 4XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Each Stellarean brings a piece of their star with them when they are born into their physical bodies, which manifest as gems located on the heads of each member. Some may only have one or two, while others are adorned with small clusters of gems. These gems always appear at or above the brow line, often near an eye, though never reaching the middle of the forehead.

stellarean.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/23 01:05 by

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