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Oak of the Archmage


Oak of the Archmage allows a caster to evoke Channeling charges through a Staff instead of a Source. The caster must be proficient in the use of the Staff XP for this ability to be used.

When Oak of the Archmage is chosen, the caster must choose a single appropriate element for their Channeling pool(s). Multiple Oak of the Archmage High Magic effects may be used for multiple elements, including to empower it with both Earth and Celestial Channeling pools. Having a Staff Shattered, lost or stolen does not end the Oak of the Archmage effect, though a caster would need to find or purchase another Staff to continue to use this High Magic ability.

A character wielding such a Staff may also manifest their Channeling energy through its swings. The character may expend Channeling Pool points to swing with the call “X Elemental Strike <Type>”, where X is the amount of Channeling points they wish to expend. This may not be higher than their normal Channeling Pool maximum and may be enhanced using the Greater Wand Ritual. The type chosen may be any type they could normally channel through their Staff

Additionally, such a character may expend a Signature Spell from memory to swing with the call “X Spell Strike <Effect>”, where X is the damage of the Signature Spell and <Effect> is the effect appropriate to the expended Signature Spell.

oak_of_the_archmage.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/25 22:17 by

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