Effects Charts
The following charts show all of the effects, organized by group, along with the incant (if the effect can be cast as a Spell from memory or a Spell Store), followed by whether it is Celestial (C), Earth (E), can be made into Alchemy (A), or can be made as a Trap Globe (T). Next is the spell level, what kinds of Production items can be made with the effect, its duration, and what can remove it.
Effect | Incant | Type | Spell | Production | Duration | Removed By |
Intoxicate | A | Elixir | 5 Minutes | Antidote, Dispel, Purify | ||
Hallucinate | A | Contact, Elixir, Globe | 5 Minutes | Antidote, Dispel, Purify | ||
Paranoia | A | Contact, Elixir, Globe | 5 Minutes | Antidote, Dispel, Purify | ||
Enfeeble | A | Contact, Elixir, Globe | 5 Minutes | Antidote, Dispel, Purify | ||
Antidote | A | Elixir | Instant | N/A | ||
BINDING: With Binding Force I… | ||||||
Slow | Slow you | C/E/T | 1 | Globe, Potion, Scroll | 5 Minutes | Release, Dispel, Purify |
Pin | Pin you | C/E | 2 | Scroll | Line of Sight | Release, Dispel, Purify |
Shackle | Shackle you | C/E | 3 | Scroll | Line of Sight | Release, Dispel, Purify |
Web | Web you | C/E | 7 | Scroll | Line of Sight | Release, Dispel, Purify |
Release | Release you from Bindings | C/E | 5 | Potion, Scroll | Instant | N/A |
COMMAND: I Command you to… | ||||||
Shun | Shun me | C/E | 4 | Scroll | 5 Minutes | Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command |
Sleep | Sleep | A/C/E | 6 | Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion, Scroll | 5 Minutes | Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command |
Charm | be Charmed | A/C/E | 7 | Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion, Scroll | 10 Minutes | Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command |
Berserk | A | Contact, Elixir, Globe | 5 Minutes | Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command | ||
Fear | Line of Sight | Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command | ||||
Awaken | Awaken you from Commands | C/E | 4 | Potion, Scroll | Instant | N/A |
CURSE: I Curse you with… | ||||||
Weakness | Weakness | A/E | 3 | Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion | 5 Minutes | Cleanse, Dispel, Purify |
Silence | Silence | E/T | 5 | Globe, Potion | 5 Minutes | Cleanse, Dispel, Purify |
Destruction | Destruction | E | 7 | Potion | 5 Minutes | Cleanse, Dispel, Purify |
Paralysis | Paralysis | A/E | 8 | Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion | 5 Minutes | Cleanse, Dispel, Purify |
Doom | Doom | E | 9 | Instant | Life | |
Cleanse | Cleanse you of Curses | E | 4 | Elixir, Potion | Instant | N/A |
ELDRITCH FORCE: With Eldritch Force I… | ||||||
Disarm | Disarm your <item> | C/E | 1 | Scroll | 5 Seconds | N/A |
Fortress | build a Fortress | C | 1 | 10 Minutes | Dispel, Body Damage | |
Lesser Investment | build a Lesser Investment | C | 1 | Scroll | Instant | N/A |
Light | build a Light | C | 1 | Scroll | 5 Days | Dispel |
Mend Armor | Mend 20 Armor | C | 2 | Instant | N/A | |
Repel | Repel you | C/E | 2 | Scroll | Concentration | Dispel |
Shatter | Shatter your <item> | C/E/T | 3 | Globe, Scroll | Instant | N/A |
Solidify | Solidify you | C | 3 | 5 Seconds | N/A | |
Wall of Force | build a Wall of Force | C | 3 | Scroll | 10 Minutes | Dispel |
Banish | Banish you | C | 4 | Instant | N/A | |
Subjugate | Subjugate you | C | 5 | 10 Minutes | Dispel | |
Mend Armor Storm | build a Mend Armor Storm | C | 6 | Storm | Dispel | |
Wizard Lock | build a Wizard Lock | C | 6 | Scroll | 5 Days | Dispel |
Stun Limb | Stun your <limb> | C | 7 | 5 Minutes | Dispel, Purify | |
Circle of Power | build a Circle of Power | C/E | 9 | 1 Hour | N/A | |
Prison | build a Prison | C | 9 | 10 Minutes | Dispel | |
Ward | build a Ward | C | 9 | 5 Days | N/A | |
EVOCATION: I Evoke a … | ||||||
Evocation Bolt | <Number> <Element> Bolt | C | 1-9 | Scroll | Instant | N/A |
Lesser Magic Storm | Lesser Magic Storm | C | 5 | Storm | Dispel | |
Magic Storm | Magic Storm | C | 9 | Storm | Dispel | |
EARTH: I call upon Earth to … | ||||||
Cure Wounds | grant <Number> Healing | E | 1-9 | Potion | Instant | N/A |
Turn Undead | Turn Undead | E | 1 | 5 Minutes | Dispel, Drain | |
Sanctuary | grant you Sanctuary | E | 3 | 10 Minutes | Dispel, Body Damage | |
Cure Disease | Cure Disease | E | 4 | Potion | Instant or 5 Minutes | Disease, Drain |
Lesser Earth Storm | grant a Lesser Earth Storm | E | 5 | Storm | Dispel | |
Earth Blade | grant an Earth Blade | E | 6 | 10 Minutes | Dispel | |
Restore | Restore you | E | 6 | Potion | Instant or 5 Minutes | Wither, Drain |
Destroy Undead | Destroy Undead | E | 7 | Instant | N/A | |
Purify | Purify you | E | 8 | Potion | Instant or 5 Minutes | Dispel, Drain |
Earth Storm | grant an Earth Storm | E | 9 | Storm | Dispel | |
Life | grant you Life | E | 9 | Instant | N/A | |
Amnesia | A | Elixir | Instant, then Permanent | Dispel or Purify within 10 minutes | ||
Enslavement | N/A | Permanent | Enslavement Antidote | |||
Euphoria | N/A | Permanent | Euphoria Antidote | |||
Enslavement Antidote | A | Elixir | Instant | N/A | ||
Euphoria Antidote | A | Elixir | Instant | N/A | ||
NECROMANCY: With Necromancy I … | ||||||
Cause Wounds | create <Number> Chaos | E | 1-9 | Potion | Instant | N/A |
Control Undead | Control Undead | E | 1 | 10 Minutes | Dispel | |
Desecrate | Desecrate you | E | 3 | 10 Minutes | Dispel, Body Damage | |
Disease | Disease you | E | 4 | Potion | Instant or 5 Minutes | Cure Disease, Dispel, Purify |
Lesser Chaos Storm | create a Lesser Chaos Storm | E | 5 | Storm | Dispel | |
Chaos Blade | create a Chaos Blade | E | 6 | 10 Minutes | Dispel | |
Wither | Wither you | E | 6 | Potion | Instant or 5 Minutes | Restore, Dispel, Purify |
Create Undead | Create Undead | E | 7 | 10 Minutes | Life | |
Drain | Drain you | E | 8 | Potion | Instant or 5 Minutes | Dispel, Purify |
Chaos Storm | create a Chaos Storm | E | 9 | Storm | Dispel | |
Corrupt | Corrupt you | E | 9 | 10 Minutes | Life | |
PROTECTION/ENHANCEMENT: I Protect you with … | ||||||
Endow | an Endow | E | 1 | Potion | 5 Days | Dispel |
Weapon Shield | a Weapon Shield | C/E | 2 | Potion, Scroll | 5 Days | Dispel |
Enhanced Blade | an Enhanced Blade | C | 4 | 10 Minutes | Dispel | |
Poison Shield | a Poison Shield | A/E | 4 | Potion, Elixir | 5 Days | Dispel |
Spell Shield | a Spell Shield | C/E | 5 | Potion, Scroll | 5 Days | Dispel |
Elemental Shield | an Elemental Shield | C/E | 6 | Potion, Scroll | 5 Days | Dispel |
Dispel | a Dispel | C | 8 | Scroll | Instant | N/A |
Reflect Spell | a Reflect Spell | C/E | 8 | Potion, Scroll | 5 Days | Dispel |
Effect | Incant | Type | Spell | Production | Duration | Removed By |
effects_chart.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/23 23:30 by