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Effects Charts

The following charts show all of the effects, organized by group, along with the incant (if the effect can be cast as a Spell from memory or a Spell Store), followed by whether it is Celestial (C), Earth (E), can be made into Alchemy (A), or can be made as a Trap Globe (T). Next is the spell level, what kinds of Production items can be made with the effect, its duration, and what can remove it.

Effect Incant Type Spell Production Duration Removed By
Intoxicate A Elixir 5 Minutes Antidote, Dispel, Purify
Hallucinate A Contact, Elixir, Globe 5 Minutes Antidote, Dispel, Purify
Paranoia A Contact, Elixir, Globe 5 Minutes Antidote, Dispel, Purify
Enfeeble A Contact, Elixir, Globe 5 Minutes Antidote, Dispel, Purify
Antidote A Elixir Instant N/A
BINDING: With Binding Force I…
Slow Slow you C/E/T 1 Globe, Potion, Scroll 5 Minutes Release, Dispel, Purify
Pin Pin you C/E 2 Scroll Line of Sight Release, Dispel, Purify
Shackle Shackle you C/E 3 Scroll Line of Sight Release, Dispel, Purify
Web Web you C/E 7 Scroll Line of Sight Release, Dispel, Purify
Release Release you from Bindings C/E 5 Potion, Scroll Instant N/A
COMMAND: I Command you to…
Shun Shun me C/E 4 Scroll 5 Minutes Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command
Sleep Sleep A/C/E 6 Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion, Scroll 5 Minutes Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command
Charm be Charmed A/C/E 7 Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion, Scroll 10 Minutes Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command
Berserk A Contact, Elixir, Globe 5 Minutes Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command
Fear Line of Sight Awaken, Dispel, Purify, Break Command
Awaken Awaken you from Commands C/E 4 Potion, Scroll Instant N/A
CURSE: I Curse you with…
Weakness Weakness A/E 3 Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion 5 Minutes Cleanse, Dispel, Purify
Silence Silence E/T 5 Globe, Potion 5 Minutes Cleanse, Dispel, Purify
Destruction Destruction E 7 Potion 5 Minutes Cleanse, Dispel, Purify
Paralysis Paralysis A/E 8 Contact, Elixir, Globe, Potion 5 Minutes Cleanse, Dispel, Purify
Doom Doom E 9 Instant Life
Cleanse Cleanse you of Curses E 4 Elixir, Potion Instant N/A
ELDRITCH FORCE: With Eldritch Force I…
Disarm Disarm your <item> C/E 1 Scroll 5 Seconds N/A
Fortress build a Fortress C 1 10 Minutes Dispel, Body Damage
Lesser Investment build a Lesser Investment C 1 Scroll Instant N/A
Light build a Light C 1 Scroll 5 Days Dispel
Mend Armor Mend 20 Armor C 2 Instant N/A
Repel Repel you C/E 2 Scroll Concentration Dispel
Shatter Shatter your <item> C/E/T 3 Globe, Scroll Instant N/A
Solidify Solidify you C 3 5 Seconds N/A
Wall of Force build a Wall of Force C 3 Scroll 10 Minutes Dispel
Banish Banish you C 4 Instant N/A
Subjugate Subjugate you C 5 10 Minutes Dispel
Mend Armor Storm build a Mend Armor Storm C 6 Storm Dispel
Wizard Lock build a Wizard Lock C 6 Scroll 5 Days Dispel
Stun Limb Stun your <limb> C 7 5 Minutes Dispel, Purify
Circle of Power build a Circle of Power C/E 9 1 Hour N/A
Prison build a Prison C 9 10 Minutes Dispel
Ward build a Ward C 9 5 Days N/A
EVOCATION: I Evoke a …
Evocation Bolt <Number> <Element> Bolt C 1-9 Scroll Instant N/A
Lesser Magic Storm Lesser Magic Storm C 5 Storm Dispel
Magic Storm Magic Storm C 9 Storm Dispel
EARTH: I call upon Earth to …
Cure Wounds grant <Number> Healing E 1-9 Potion Instant N/A
Turn Undead Turn Undead E 1 5 Minutes Dispel, Drain
Sanctuary grant you Sanctuary E 3 10 Minutes Dispel, Body Damage
Cure Disease Cure Disease E 4 Potion Instant or 5 Minutes Disease, Drain
Lesser Earth Storm grant a Lesser Earth Storm E 5 Storm Dispel
Earth Blade grant an Earth Blade E 6 10 Minutes Dispel
Restore Restore you E 6 Potion Instant or 5 Minutes Wither, Drain
Destroy Undead Destroy Undead E 7 Instant N/A
Purify Purify you E 8 Potion Instant or 5 Minutes Dispel, Drain
Earth Storm grant an Earth Storm E 9 Storm Dispel
Life grant you Life E 9 Instant N/A
Amnesia A Elixir Instant, then Permanent Dispel or Purify within 10 minutes
Enslavement N/A Permanent Enslavement Antidote
Euphoria N/A Permanent Euphoria Antidote
Enslavement Antidote A Elixir Instant N/A
Euphoria Antidote A Elixir Instant N/A
NECROMANCY: With Necromancy I …
Cause Wounds create <Number> Chaos E 1-9 Potion Instant N/A
Control Undead Control Undead E 1 10 Minutes Dispel
Desecrate Desecrate you E 3 10 Minutes Dispel, Body Damage
Disease Disease you E 4 Potion Instant or 5 Minutes Cure Disease, Dispel, Purify
Lesser Chaos Storm create a Lesser Chaos Storm E 5 Storm Dispel
Chaos Blade create a Chaos Blade E 6 10 Minutes Dispel
Wither Wither you E 6 Potion Instant or 5 Minutes Restore, Dispel, Purify
Create Undead Create Undead E 7 10 Minutes Life
Drain Drain you E 8 Potion Instant or 5 Minutes Dispel, Purify
Chaos Storm create a Chaos Storm E 9 Storm Dispel
Corrupt Corrupt you E 9 10 Minutes Life
Endow an Endow E 1 Potion 5 Days Dispel
Weapon Shield a Weapon Shield C/E 2 Potion, Scroll 5 Days Dispel
Enhanced Blade an Enhanced Blade C 4 10 Minutes Dispel
Poison Shield a Poison Shield A/E 4 Potion, Elixir 5 Days Dispel
Spell Shield a Spell Shield C/E 5 Potion, Scroll 5 Days Dispel
Elemental Shield an Elemental Shield C/E 6 Potion, Scroll 5 Days Dispel
Dispel a Dispel C 8 Scroll Instant N/A
Reflect Spell a Reflect Spell C/E 8 Potion, Scroll 5 Days Dispel
Effect Incant Type Spell Production Duration Removed By
effects_chart.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/23 23:30 by

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