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  • Spell: Earth 6
  • Effect Group: Necromancy
  • Duration: 5 Minutes
  • Production Type: Potion
  • Incantation: “With Necromancy I Wither you.”

This effect twists and warps a target’s ability to effectively attack or defend.

When struck, the target may choose which effect to take, but must then announce what they have chosen by calling “Withered Defense” or “Withered Offense.” If struck with Wither again while already Withered, the target must re-announce this choice only if it changes with the new application of Wither.

While offensively Withered, the target may not make any offensive Weapon calls or throw Packets, but may block, use defensive calls, and touch-cast spells.

While defensively Withered, the target will take damage when blocking attacks with a Weapon or Shield as if they did not have the appropriate Weapon Skill(s) to wield them, may not touch-cast or intentionally target themselves with a Packet attack, and may not use Smart defenses, but may still make offensive strikes and throw Packets at other targets.

Note that this same effect will occur against an Undead target if Restore is cast upon them. In this case, the Undead still calls “Withered <choice>” for clarity.

wither.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/25 20:56 by

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