- Spell: Earth 1
- Effect Group: Protection/Enhancement
- Duration: Up To 5 Days
- Production Type: Potion
- Incantation: “I Protect you with an Endow.”
An Endow will allow a recipient to perform feats of incredible strength for a limited amount of time; for example, running with an unconscious or incapacitated creature without having to literally perform the task OOG, no matter how large the creature compared to the person with the Endow. The spell can also be used to perform a single limited role-playing act of great strength. Whenever using an Endow, a character must state “Endow.” This is an OOG statement and may be used while under the effects of Silence.
Endow does not allow you to break a lock or other item, throw creatures, break down doors, or jump long distances. It will not allow you to otherwise harm creatures that are normally Immune to you.
Endow effects wear off after a single feat has been accomplished. The duration of this feat is subject to Plot approval.