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  • Spell: Celestial 8
  • Effect Group: Protection/Enhancement
  • Duration: Instant
  • Production Type: Scroll
  • Incantation: “I Protect you with a Dispel.”

This effect will dispel all active effects on a given creature or object whatever the cause, whether beneficial or harmful. It will not remove Wards, Circles of Power, High Magic, or anything from the Greater Command effects group (Amnesia, Enslavement, or Euphoria) with the exception that it will remove the effect of Amnesia if administered within the first ten minutes.

Dispel will remove Wizard Locks, Walls of Force, and Prisons.

A Dispel thrown at a person will not remove effects on any magical items held by that person.

A Dispel thrown at a caster will not stop already existing effects of that caster’s spell.

Note that Dispel will still trigger appropriate defenses before affecting the target, such as a Spell Shield or Reflect Spell.

dispel.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/25 06:44 by

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