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High Ogres have large rearward facing horns, red, orange, or yellow veins around the eyes. They have one of the shortest lifespans of the adventuring species, reaching maturity in one year, with an average lifespan of twenty years, though some do manage to live into their late thirties.

High Ogres have a heightened metabolism leading them to operate at a level of intensity that absolutely befuddles longer lived species. Due to this, when bored they tend to find something to do, whether it is work, fighting, or some other rigorous activity. This is because they process certain sugars, such as those found in fruits, incredibly rapidly, to the point of needing to do something physical shortly after its consumption.

Primarily High Ogre communities tend to hold one or two solid beliefs and then there is rapid change around this central idea. The sages of very long-lived species have a saying “If you want to get all sides of a single idea, ask High Ogre communities about it every twenty years or so.” This can hold true for even an individual High Ogre, where while the central idea remains the same, the outer fringes of that idea are fluid, which isn’t seen as contradictory by the High Ogre. Adventuring High Ogres in it to be a “hero” may go through multiple meanings of what it means to be a hero in just a single year, but rarely would give up on heroism completely. Sitting still long enough to learn the intricate nature of Celestial Magic is more difficult for High Ogres. Those that do tend to be either extremely focused, or unusually calm for their species. Read Magic costs double for High Ogre characters.

In addition, High Ogres can learn to tap into these energy reserves in combat. When in great danger they can fight through the pain of injuries with sheer bursts of adrenaline. Tales are told of High Ogres taking a direct hit from a catapult stone, and still fighting on. Due to this High Ogres may take Resolute as a species Skill. The bones of High Ogres are also incredibly dense and difficult to break and grow in density as they age. Even after breaking, they grow back stronger, and often times slightly thicker, than before these breaks. High Ogres in their thirties have been found with their rib cage fused into an almost internal breastplate after decades of battle. As such, High Ogres pay one XP less for the Hardy Skill.

High Ogre traditions are that they were created out of the “bones of the world”, and there may be some truth to the statement. They are keenly aware of changes to the natural world around them, and feel discomfort when sudden changes such as Earthquakes, massive storms, or plagues crop up. This connection with the land itself is even more intense when it comes to Necromantic energies and Undead. Calling upon their energy reserves they can “ground” the powers of undeath and dissipate it through the dirt beneath their feet. It’s rumored that the level of Necromantic energy in the area may cause their eye veins to “flare” becoming more dramatic in such situations. As such they can buy Resist Necromancy.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Necromancy 4XP, Species Resolute, Hardy purchased at -1XP, Double Cost to Read Magic, half cost for Weapon Skills.

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: High Ogres are a PC Species which requires the use of makeup and prosthetics. All High Ogres have tusks and horns of any [safe] size. In addition, they have yellow to orange to red veins from the eyes representing highly intense blood vessels.

high-ogre.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/23 00:40 by

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