Some Rituals allow the enchantment of specific items. These items must be approved before enchantment.
Weapons typically require a safety check. Jewelry needs to be entered into the chapter’s database and assigned an item number before the Ritual casting. The item must always have a surface large enough to engrave a number upon it. Only after the item has been approved is it ready to be used in a Ritual.
After the Ritual, assuming success, the item immediately becomes property of the game. Therefore, you should not use items you wish to keep. Alternatively, if you enchant your armor or a special item that you do not wish to make an IG item, if you are searched and the item taken IG, you must turn over the tag but waive the ability to recognize IG your item when it is used by someone else.
A specific item may not contain more than twenty Rituals. Some Rituals that can increase effects on a specific Ritual may count as more than one Ritual towards this twenty Ritual maximum. Note that this counts all Rituals on an item; an item may have multiple batches of Rituals each with their own tag, but the total number of Rituals may not exceed twenty.
Enchanted items sometimes have a limited life span. When a Ritual expires, the item’s owner is expected to turn the tag over to the campaign’s staff. Enchanted items immediately return to their normal state upon expiration.