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Some creatures can infect helpless victims with material that will turn the person into a version of the creature. Unlike a werewolf or vampire curse, this is only a physical transformation of the victim’s body. Players will be told of specific triggers if necessary. Victims will lose all memory of their former lives, and the player must follow the commands they are given by Plot until the character is slain. The spirit may then proceed to be Resurrected as normal.

Infection is inflicted just as a Killing Blow, with a count of “I infect you 1, I infect you 2, I infect you 3.” An infected character will remain so even if killed and then given a Life spell.

Infection may be removed by various methods depending on the type of infection. The cure may vary based upon the plot of the event and may possibly be discoverable only through IG methods. A Resurrection will always cure an Infection.

infection.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/25 00:04 by

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