Some monsters can engulf or absorb an unconscious character in preparation of digesting them. The target will immediately go to the Dead status as though they had been damaged below 0 Body Points and their Bleeding Out timer had expired. The creature will have to be slain to recover the body so that it may be given a Life spell. If you are engulfed by such a monster, you must walk around with the creature OOG until you are beyond the help of a Life spell. You may then proceed to the Resurrection point. This is a Focused Action.
To save someone who has been Engulfed, you must give a Killing Blow to the creature and then afterward cut open the creature with a three count. If the Engulfed victim has already gone to Resurrect, his or her items will be recoverable at this time.
A creature with this ability may engulf anyone that is asleep, unconscious, dead, confined, Paralyzed, or otherwise helpless on a three count of “I engulf you one, I engulf you two, I engulf you three.”
The creature may also engulf a victim that it has Prisoned with a three count of “I engulf you one, I engulf you two, I engulf you three, prison down.”
The victim must immediately begin their five-minute Death Countdown once Engulfed. If the victim was already dead, they must continue their Death Countdown from the same point it was already at; in other words, the Engulf does not reset the five-minute Death Countdown.