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Cast Documentation

Every Cast is required to have documentation (usually in the form of a “monster card”) to prove that he or she has the powers, spells, and items they are using in an encounter. If a group of Cast are out together and all have the same abilities, then only one is required to have the documentation.

The documentation may also be held by a marshal who is overseeing the encounter.

The documentation can only be adjusted, changed, or approved by an authorized Marshal or Plot member and never by the Cast.

A player can challenge Cast and request to see the documentation. If a marshal is nearby, the Cast can refuse to show the card and show it to the marshal instead. Any problems should be brought to the attention of a marshal so that it can be verified that the Cast is playing the correct part and using the correct Skills.

Cast are only allowed to give Killing Blows if the documentation gives them that ability. This includes taking actions that are equivalent to “forcing a Resurrection” such as pulling a dead or unconscious character behind enemy lines, placing that character in a Circle of Power or behind a Ward or Wizard Lock, or otherwise hiding that character in such a way as to prevent other players from finding the body. You can always stand in front of the body and fight to prevent the person from being saved.

Cast characters are also only allowed to search and/or steal from players if the documentation clearly states so. In this case, they may only search and/or steal to the degree to which the documentation allows them.

For example, Cast may only have the right to steal anything obvious (such as Weapons or other hand held possessions) but not necessarily to search through pockets or pouches; Cast may have the right to break into cabins and search through possessions (with a Marshal nearby); Cast may have the right to search only for specific items (such as healing potions it can use on itself). The extent to which the Cast can steal or search should be documented.

Note that occasionally a monster’s abilities may change from event to event or even during an event. This can be the result of many things, from mutation to strange magics to a new tribe moving into the area. Just because a monster had an ability or Skill one time you met it does not guarantee it will be exactly the same every other time. A monster may also have different Skills and abilities depending on which chapter and campaign you play. Remember: The information on the Cast documentation and in this section is OOG. Even though you saw a monster card that said a monster was Immune to Sleep, your character would only know that your Sleep spell had no effect when you tried it or when you were told IG that it would not work. To do otherwise would be metagaming, which is considered cheating.

cast_documentation.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/26 03:45 by

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