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LP, Production

Alchemy allows the character to create non-magical elixirs, poisons, oils, and solvents. For each time Alchemy is bought, the character gets five Alchemy Production Points as detailed in the “Production Skills” section.

Alchemy cannot be used to determine the presence of an Alchemical substance or magical potion in a creature’s bloodstream.

Advanced Use: To utilize a gas globe (Packet) requires at least three ranks of Alchemy. All gas Packets must be orange to differentiate them from spell Packets (which cannot be orange). A character with 10 or more levels of Alchemy is considered a Journeyman, and only spends four copper pieces for every five production points of Alchemy.

See Chapter XII Alchemy for more details on specific types of Alchemy and how they might be used.

alchemy.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/22 19:57 by

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