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All items are represented by tags. This allows you to buy, sell, steal, or trade items with other players. When you use an expendable item, you must then turn over the tag to Cast or marshal, or otherwise destroy it. Each tag lists which game it was generated in, which may be the name of the chapter or the IG name of the campaign. Below are some examples of the tags you might see.

Weapon Tags are attached directly to your Weapon; the Weapon type must remain visible. The tag type must match the Weapon being used exactly. If a Weapon does not have one of these tags, it cannot be used (except by Cast). A regular Weapon that is not magic, silvered, or strengthened will have those sections crossed off. If a Weapon is silver, then the “silver” section will be circled. Every Weapon must have either a Weapon tag or a Magic Item number; without one of these two items the Weapon is considered “Monster Quality” and may not be used.

Arrows and Bolts will have many “uses.” After a battle, a number of uses equal to the Arrows and Bolts you used during the battle must be torn off of these tags and handed to a Marshal or otherwise destroyed.

Armor Tags list the points your armor is worth. You can never have more Armor Points than the points the marshal has assigned to the armor you are currently wearing. If your armor was assigned 12 points and someone gives you a tag worth 15, you cannot use it unless you trade it in for a tag worth 12 points (usually at logistics).

Production Item Tags will only have one use, as the tags are meant to be attached to the physical representation of the item. A potion tag or elixir tag must be inserted into the potion vial or secured in some other manner (tape, rubber band). Globe tags are not kept on the Packets that we use to represent Alchemical and Trap Globes for safety reasons but may instead be kept in a pocket or on a tag ring. After a battle, you must turn over the tags that were used. These tags are stealable items even though they are not on a physical representation. Further, if someone steals your Globe physical representations, you must turn over the appropriate number of tags to represent that which has been taken.

Spell Book Tags are specific to each school of magic and must be kept with your spell book physical representation. Logistics will cross off all spells from the list that you do not have, leaving the ones available for you clear. New spells can be added to your book by paying money at Logistics with a source book to copy from, at which time they will give you a new spell book tag.

Alchemy Recipe Book Tags work in a similar way, except that you do not have to pay to add new recipes. You do still need to have a source book to copy from.

Trap Tags will list the type of trap, including the amount of damage done if applicable. Gas Traps and Scroll Traps must have an Alchemical Globe or Scroll tag attached respectively before being set.

Workshop Tags represent Alchemy labs, scroll libraries, blacksmith forges, and the like. They are purchased at Logistics and will state the IG owner of the workshop, the IG location of the workshop, and the signature of the Logistics marshal who approved the sale.

Other Tags (sometimes called “asset tags”) are there to represent possessions not covered by the other tags: horses, ships, houses and other items with value. They are sellable IG (if you can find a buyer). There are other tags you will encounter in your game, but they are easy to understand as they follow the same basic rules.

Magic Item numbers may be found on any item. If an item has only a Magic Item number, it must be Identified before use.

tags.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/26 03:06 by

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