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Swarmed by <number>: <ability>

Any card with this ability allows Cast to use the named ability when they are actively engaged (meaning approximately 10-foot range unless otherwise defined locally) by <number> or more foes. For example, “Swarmed by 4: Spell Doom by Weapon” would allow the Cast to swing for “Spell Doom” with their Weapons so long as 4 or more enemies are within approximately 10 feet. The named ability may alternately be called by OOG Marshals in the fight.

When this ability is triggered, the player must state “Swarmed” before using any Swarmed By abilities listed on their card. If the player is not going to use these abilities, they need not call Swarmed even if they are engaged by the specified number of other characters. Swarmed need be called only once even if multiple Swarmed By abilities are used in a row. Swarmed would need to be called again if the flow of combat changes such that the Cast becomes “disengaged” by enough players but then later in the same combat is triggered again.

swarmed_by.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/25 00:39 by

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