
Times Ever

Each time this ability is chosen, the caster may prepare one Spellcrafting charge from one Ritual Scroll that allows Spellcrafting. The Ritual Scroll itself must be studied when preparing this High Magic just as a spell caster would study battle magic spells. Like spell books, Ritual Scrolls are not consumed after studying for Spellcrafting (some scrolls may have exceptions to this).

At Logistics or a Crafting Station, the caster hands in the required reagents as specified on the Ritual Scroll. The caster must also give the Ritual Scroll over to verify that the Ritual Scroll is valid. The player will then be given a Spellcrafting tag. This tag states the Ritual studied, the caster’s name, and the current LP (“Friday”, “Saturday”, etc.). The caster then has until the end of the LP written on the tag to invoke the Ritual. If the player does not use their Spellcraft before it expires, the ability is lost until it can be studied again.

Spellcrafted Ritual Scrolls are cast like battle magic scrolls. All Spellcrafted Rituals must be cast IG. The verbal for casting a Spellcrafted Ritual is: “I call upon the power of <type> magic to craft <Ritual name and choices>.”

When casting, the Ritual Scroll must be in the hands of the caster and a Packet must be touched to the scroll before it is used. All Spellcrafted Rituals must be touch-cast onto a valid target. If that target has a spirit, the individual must state “accept” or “refuse.” Spellcrafted Rituals are treated as battle magic spells in all other ways.

Any special rules for casting specified in the description of the effect must be followed for the Spellcrafting to be successful. For example, in order to Invest someone in a Circle of Power, the caster must already be Invested and the caster and the recipient must be in that Circle of Power.

Spellcrafted Rituals generally expire after five days. Spellcrafted Rituals cannot be extended in any way. The recipient of a Spellcrafted Ritual must carry the tag throughout the duration of the Ritual. The Ritual ends if the person Resurrects (unless the Ritual is of the Spirit Type), the duration expires naturally, the recipient receives a subsequent spellcrafted Ritual, or the Spellcrafting tag is lost. If a Ritual casting is placed on a recipient who has already received a spellcrafted Ritual, the spellcrafted Ritual immediately expires. Only the most recently spellcrafted Ritual is active on an individual recipient.

If a person is Spellcrafting a Ritual that stores a spell or ability, then a person with the ability to use that ability or cast that Ritual must, immediately after the Spellcrafting, touch the recipient and declare the name of the spell or ability to be stored. The recipient is not affected by the spell or Ritual being stored. The spell or ability used should be noted on the Spellcrafting tag when it is handed to the recipient.

If the casting is successful, it can take up to one hour for a summoned or created creature to appear. The Spellcrafted Ritual does not start its duration until the Cast comes IG. When casting a Spellcrafted Ritual that lasts one hour or less, the scroll is consumed and should be immediately torn in half and given to the Crafting Marshal.

When Spellcrafting an item, the caster must attach the Spellcrafting tag to any item upon which a Ritual is cast. The Ritual expires if the item is destroyed, the Spellcraft duration expires naturally, or the Spellcrafting tag is lost. Only the most recently spellcrafted Ritual is active on an item.

Any Rituals that summon, create, or animate creatures require Plot approval before they can be cast and the casting will consume the Ritual Scroll. This ensures that Cast and appropriate monster cards are available.

The Plot Committee may decide that a spellcrafted Ritual automatically fails if Cast and/or monster cards are not available at the time of casting. Under that circumstance, the Ritual Scroll should not be consumed and the Plot Committee and the caster should work out a more convenient time for the invocation of the Ritual.

Players who are to role-play the summoned, animated or created creatures need to see a member of the Plot Committee prior to entering the game to establish the creature’s personality and reactions.

When creating Undead, a Plot-approved graveyard is the only proper recipient of the Ritual. Undead creation may also involve the consumption of some coins. Any such requirements are listed on the Ritual Scroll.