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Many Rituals—particularly Rituals that summon the Undead, extraplanar creatures, magical creatures, or that create Constructs—require the cooperation of Cast to play the summoned or constructed creatures. Some Rituals have specific effects that occur immediately and require a staff member to implement, like a Whispering Wind that allows the caster to send a message to another individual. These effects are executed by the Cast, the Ritual marshal or chapter staff.

A chapter’s staff may require the caster to provide individuals to play these Cast if the staff does not have Cast available. The caster should give their chapter staff advance warning of the casting of such a Ritual so that Cast can be scheduled if the staff is willing and able to do so. The caster has the burden to ensure there are Cast available that have been approved by staff at the time of casting. Proper arrangements should be made prior to undertaking the Ritual. If the caster provides Cast for these roles and the Cast are not otherwise participating in the event or are a paying player character for that event, the chapter staff may charge the Cast a fee for their attendance.

The caster is also primarily responsible for any make-up, costuming and Weapons for the Cast and if the staff does not have or is unwilling to provide such materials, the caster must provide them. Monster cards will be provided for the Cast.

The creatures that have been summoned or created are not player characters. They are not as smart as player characters and campaign staff can limit their capabilities and personality. All Cast must work within any limits the campaign staff sets, including limitations on the administration of Killing Blows, and on the caster’s commands that the Cast will follow. The Cast may not even be required to do the caster’s bidding at all. Only approved members of the chapter staff or their assigned proxies may role-play some particularly powerful creatures. Personal friends of the caster are not allowed to play such creatures.

ritual_staff.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/26 01:07 by

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