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Larping Basics

Before going into the REFUGE rules proper, there’s a few important concepts to understand, especially for someone new to Live Action Role-Playing (LARPing):

In-Game / Out-of-Game: When you’re attending a REFUGE event, anything you do which is not part of the game world is considered Out-of-Game (OOG). For example, using the restrooms, going to pick up your Character Card from the Logistics staff, and parking your car are all OOG. Anything you do which is part of the story is considered In-Game (IG). For example, fighting a monster with your boffer Weapons, talking as your character to another character about the latest tavern rumors, and trying to sneak past an enemy patrol are all IG actions. When a player is briefly OOG, they should put their hand or Weapon to their head to indicate this. If the player will be OOG longer than a few moments and the game is already underway, they should put on a white headband to note that they do not exist IG and should be ignored by others.

Player / Character: You as a player are separate from your IG character, and it’s important to keep a distinction between the two. Robert might play the mighty healer Jazpeh at an event, but other players should not always expect to encounter Jazpeh IG just because Robert is on site – he might be playing monsters for that event. Similarly, IG actions by a character should never be taken OOG by the player – for example, if your character was waylaid in the woods and robbed by another character, you as a player should not hold that against the player of that other character. It’s part of the game – keep IG problems IG. There are some decisions which are made by a player - for example, when to retire their character, or whether to spend character resources while Berserked. Whatever is chosen by the player should be kept IG by other characters, since these are OOG choices. They may result in IG ramifications (such as if your character casts Necromancy, an illegal type of magic), but should not result in OOG consequences.

PC / Cast: Players attending a REFUGE event generally choose one of two rules: Player Character (PC) or Non-Player Character (Cast). A PC is someone who plays a single character generally for the length of the event. This character makes their own choices and accumulates XP and experience over time (as well as deaths, should they need Resurrection.) Cast, on the other hand, is a volunteer who helps staff the game by playing many roles throughout an event, as directed by the Plot team for the event. They may act as a tavernkeep dispensing drinks and rumors one minute, and soon thereafter switch costumes and Cast cards to play a bloodthirsty troll trying to kill the PCs in town. Cast actions are directed by Plot, although many Cast are given limited leeway in how they want to play the characters they are given.

Cast should not be treated differently by PCs IG. A PC shouldn’t act differently towards one person in town than another simply because they know, OOG, that the character is being played by Cast instead of another PC. It’s not uncommon for PCs to spend a few hours playing Cast at an event, to help out when Plot needs a few extra bodies or to change up the pace of their event. This is always appreciated by the Plot team.

Marshals: REFUGE appoints Marshals to help referee the game. These Marshals might be PCs or Cast, and have a variety of duties at REFUGE, from helping clarify rules in the middle of combat to evaluating Weapons and armor for safety. Marshals are required to be notified if you intend to break into someone else’s cabin (IG) or cast a powerful Ritual.

Above all, a Marshal’s job is to keep the game moving along. If a Marshal makes a call that you disagree with, don’t argue it on the field – bring it up after the game, either to a designated Player Representative or the Marshal group for your chapter. Remember, the Marshals are committed to keeping the game flowing with as little interruption as possible; please respect this role and help them even if a specific rules decision is disadvantageous for your character.

larping_basics.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 22:14 by

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