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While there is some debate over what type of ecosystem the “great forest” actually is, the general consensus is that Dryads watched over the First Realm until it was time for them to take their rest and pass over stewardship. When they woke from their Great Sleep, memories of their culture had become buried deep within the recesses of their minds. Many have woken to a quite different world. Overall, they are a sociable people. Harmless mischief is often seen as an important cultural bonding exercise, though many Dryad also have a deep-rooted sense of fairness which may seem counter intuitive.

These curious, gentle folks are not actual plants but mortal creatures of flesh and blood with an extremely diverse background. Their physiology is as broad as all the flora and fungi that exist in the natural world. Dryads also come from many varied regions. For example, you may find Dryads living in swampy mires, arid deserts, and deeply forested regions.

Due to their deep connection to the natural world Dryads can purchase Herbal Lore at half price (rounded up) and Resist Binding as a Species Skill. Because of their aversion to large quantities of metal, they cannot wear armor of a grade higher than 2 points per location, though they may use the armor layering rules to achieve higher values in a location — see the Armor section for details. Dryads may learn to use any Weapon but must avoid completely metal ones — a Dryad might use an obsidian sword or one that has been silvered.

Species Specific Skills: Herbal Lore (half cost rounded up), Resist Binding 4XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: To play a Dryad, you must use makeup and costuming appropriate for the type. All must have some sort of leafy prosthetic, such as flowers in the hair or vines around the body. Mushrooms must have a cap or veil. Makeup can be as simple or as creative as you wish, as long as it is nature-inspired. While every Dryad is different, clothing and kit tends to favor Earth tones, or colors reflective of their type (i.e. A Lilac dryad may have a kit that includes soft greens, pinks and purples). The makeup and costuming can change with the seasons; thus, an Aspen Dryad could be primarily gray in the winter, green in the spring and summer, and orange in the fall.

dryad.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 23:04 by

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