====== The 4 Most Important Rules ====== There are four rules in this book, revolving around safety and safe play, which are so important we want to make sure you understand them right up front. These rules are mandatory, and all players are required to follow them without exception or debate. Players should let a [[Marshal]] or staff member know about any violations to these rules. ====The Pause Game Rule==== **This is the single most important rule in this entire book.** Many things can happen while players are on the field. If you see anything that appears to be unsafe, you can call a Pause Game. To do this, shout the words “Pause” as loudly as you can and everyone in the vicinity will drop to one knee. **If dropping to a knee is unsafe or the player cannot, they must instead stay very still and alert.** If you hear someone else shout this, immediately halt what you are doing, drop to one knee, and wait for further instructions. You’ll probably also hear the call echo down the field so everyone hears it. ====Body Contact==== Outside of the specific rules outlined elsewhere (such as safely touching someone’s shoulder to represent picking them up), you are not allowed to touch another person without their express consent. Melee combat takes place only with approved Weapons. You may never use any hand-to-hand attacks, kick, grab, or grapple other players. Participants are not allowed to strike certain areas of the body with melee Weapons for safety reasons (invalid areas include head, throat, groin, and hands from the wrist down). All hits to these locations do not count against the character. This includes hits from both Packets and Weapons. More details can be found in the Combat section. ====Intoxicants & Illegal Substances==== You are forbidden from using any intoxicants (alcohol, cannabis, or other similar substances) or illegal drugs at any gathering or event. You are never allowed to participate while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs regardless of where you consumed them (even off-site). If you are impaired, you are not safe to fight, even if you believe you might be. This is never okay. If deemed impaired by game staff (such as Marshals), you may have to Page, or be removed from the game. ====Sneaking & Theft==== Sometimes you may want for your character to engage in some IG law-breaking or thievery. While this is permitted, there are some tight controls on this activity. You must first get a Marshal (an official or staff member who will witness and monitor your actions) before you are allowed to sneak into any building (including a tent, or other sleeping area) where another players’ personal property might be present. The Marshal is there to ensure personal property is not accidentally taken and that all game rules are observed. You are never allowed to steal personal property or break a real-world law. See the Stealing and Searching section for more details.