(sill-AH-dren) The Syladrin are descended from the Fey, their closest cousins being satyrs and fauns. They are truly a communal society believing “it takes a village” to accomplish most tasks, from defeating a vile foe to raising children. As such they have a strange idea of personal possession compared to other species, finding little reason to hoard wealth when it can be spent for the betterment of the community; be that in arms and equipment or throwing a lavish party to raise everyone’s spirits.
The Syladrin hold the ideal of personal freedom in high esteem and are reticent to take away that freedom from any sentient beings without due reason. They abhor Command magics, though the strength of their revulsion is different from person-to-person and community-to-community. Their respect for personal freedom is so strong that their wills are notoriously hard to break.
Syladrin cannot help but tinker and learn about the world around them, either dabbling a little in a lot of subjects or becoming experts in their fields. This natural propensity to learning allows them to pay for the Trades Skill at -1 XP and must purchase at least one level of Trades for their first five levels. Feyrie blood courses through their veins, leaving them apart from most of the effects of the passage of time. As such, the Syladrin have no known maximum age, instead dying from other causes such as accidents, disease, or war.
Species Specific Skills: Resist Command 4XP, Break Command 4XP, Trades Skill costs 1 XP (must purchase 1 per level until 5 have been purchased)
Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Elf ears and use horns of any [safe] size on the forehead. Elf ears can be any length the player chooses if they are elf ears. Horns can be any color (or colors) and shape of the player’s choosing.