Starting Items

When you play your first event as a new character, you are given certain starting materials that your character should have IG. After that, you'll need to find new supplies IG. If, for example, your starting armor gets destroyed you’ll have to get new armor tags IG by buying, stealing, or making new armor.

Brand new characters with 25 Experience Points (XP) start with a pool of 150 copper pieces to spend on items and gear. These can be spent on equipment based on its Production Point value. It can also be used to buy spells in your starting spell book at the basic spell ink cost of 2 copper pieces per level of the spell. Alchemy recipes can be bought for 1 copper piece per Production Point of the recipe(s) chosen. Sources can be purchased for their standard cost of 20 copper pieces each, while armor, Weapons, and other substances like scrolls and potions can be purchased for their Production Point cost directly. Production Point costs can be found in the Production Skills section.

If a character plays their first game with a higher XP total (for example, if you’ve played Cast a few times before playing a PC), their starting pool is bigger to represent the gear the character might have collected IG during their adventuring time. The pool is equal to the character’s XP times their level plus 100, up to level 30 (300 XP) where it caps out.

Characters with enough points can spend them on starting Magic Items directly for their Ritual Point cost. These can be found in the spreadsheet here. These items will be created in your local REFUGE chapter. Each REFUGE LARP PC will want to start with tags appropriate for their starting needs. Every character will want to purchase Weapon and Armor tags equivalent to the gear they start with.