Table of Contents


Humans are not the only species in the world of REFUGE. There are many mythical and unusual species, such as Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Kyn, and other more exotic species; and within each species, there are various cultures. This provides for the widest possible amount of character development.

Playing your species means knowing and understanding your species’ culture and society in your campaign—just like not all Humans are alike, you shouldn’t expect all Elves to act identically. Some species have their culture based on certain societies in our own world and other species are purely fantastic like Kyn or Halflings. Others are based on popular mythology or folklore. Still other species such as the Avani have been created from scratch, providing a unique aspect to our game.

Descriptions of each species follow. There are more detailed Culture Packets available for each species to download from the REFUGE LARP website (, and your local campaign will have information on the local culture(s) of that species.

Make up and Prosthetic Requirements

All species other than Human have a makeup and/or prosthetic requirement associated with it. If you wish to play one of these species, you must wear the appropriate makeup or prosthetic to distinguish yourself. Any prosthetic (such as Elf ears) must always be worn, even under a hood or when hidden by hair. You cannot use makeup to represent Avana eyebrows, High Ogre and High Orc tusks etc. If you have a real beard and wish to play a Dwarf, the beard must be braided so that it is clear you are a Dwarf and not just a bearded Human (if your beard isn’t long enough to braid, then you will have to wear a fake beard over your real one.)

If you play a Species that requires makeup, all exposed skin must be covered with the appropriate makeup or colored cloth (Under Armor and gloves are great for this.) You cannot be a Halfling who shaves their eyebrows or a High Orc without protruding teeth. You must not only act the species; you must also look the species. If you do not, you will not be allowed to continue playing the species and will be forcibly changed into a Human. You cannot wear makeup to disguise yourself to appear as a species you are not, nor can you act in such a way as to mislead others as to your species.

Do not sleep in your makeup! Your skin needs to breathe, and any kind of makeup hinders that process to some extent. Therefore, you should wash all the makeup off your body each night and reapply it in the morning. Your skin will thank you. As for makeup removal, moist towelettes and baby wipes (look for biodegradable ones) are very good, and so is cold cream. Avoid sharing makeup and sponges! It is possible for sponges and pancake makeup to contract bacteria. Also, if one of the people using the makeup has a skin rash or other contagion, then it can be shared with other people using the makeup and sponge.

Role-playing Requirements

We expect you to play your character’s species properly. High Orcs should be “focused on the now” and Dark Elves should shun the sunlight whenever possible. You must abide by the characteristics of your species. You cannot write your history to be the “outsider” of your species. There is no such thing as a “half” species. If your character history has your father as an Elf and your mother as a Human, that is fine, but in our game, you are one species or the other. You must then take all the advantages, disadvantages, and physical characteristics of that single species and none of the unique characteristics of the other. It should always be clear to everyone exactly what species you are portraying.

These role-playing rules are put in place to allow players to make assumptions about the different species. When you see someone wearing pointed ears, you know that they may have certain abilities such as Resist Command and that may change your strategy when dealing with them. This adds up to more fun for you as well. By playing your species properly, other members of that species (and the Cast of that species) will be more willing to role-play with you, get you involved in their plots, and otherwise include you in the developing story of that species.


Species Chart

Half costs are rounded down. Discounts listed are per rank of the skill purchased.

Species Advantages Disadvantages
Avani Break Command,
Resist Command,
Mental Abilities
Unable to tolerate Celestial magic,
Cannot learn Read Magic
Dark Elf Resist Command,
Resist Spell,
Half cost for Archery
Dryad Resist Binding,
Half cost for Herbal Lore
Aversion to Metal,
Limited Armor Types
Dwarf Resist Element,
Resist Poison,
-1 cost for Blacksmith,
-1 cost for Hardy
Elf Resist Command,
Half cost for Archery
Halfling Species Evade,
Resist Poison,
-1 cost for Create Trap
High-Ogre Species Resolute,
Resist Necromancy,
Half cost for Weapon Skills,
-1 cost for Hardy
Double cost for Read Magic
High-Orc Species Resolute,
Resist Poison,
Half cost for Weapon Skills,
-1 cost for Hardy
Double cost for Read Magic
Human None None
Kyn Any two Species Abilities,
Scenting Ability
Double cost for Read Magic
Realmsworn Species Resolute,
Resist Element,
-1 cost for Hardy
Stellarean Resist Curse None
Stone Elf Break Command,
Resist Command,
Mental Abilities,
-1 cost for Create Scroll
Syladrin Break Command,
Resist Command,
-1 cost for Trades
Must buy one Trades skill per level until level 5

Avani (Plural) / Avana (Singular)

(ah-VAH-ni or AY-vah-ni / ah-VAH-na or AY-vah-na)

Avani were originally created by gryphons from the birds that dwelled in their mountainous homes. The connection Avanian societies maintain to gryphons varies wildly, but their history does tend to result in Avani who are highly motivated and have strong convictions. Individual Avani also can form strong bonds with gryphons, called pacts, that can have both positive and negative consequences.

Like their progenitors, Avani have the innate ability to interact with minds and mental landscapes. Their power in this area largely centres around memory, and their ability to view, protect, and alter it. This intimate relationship with memory gives them a unique perspective on its inherent weakness and value. Many Avanian cultures place emphasis on the role memory plays in the creation of the self, and the idea of immortality through the preservation of memory.

Avani can store memories in special items called Lodestones. Almost all Avani have at least one personal Lodestone that they store their own experiences in, so that in the event of their permanent death their memories will live on within it. Avanian communities typically form around a similar but more powerful item called a Homestone where these records are collected and preserved.

As they gain mastery of their mental powers, Avani can use that strength to resist the effects of command magics and break the effect of them on others.

Although they are humanoid in appearance, Avani are a separate species, which manifests in a few distinct physical traits. They do not react to alcohol in the same way most species do but feel a similar effect when consuming chocolate. They age at a similar rate to humans until they reach maturity, at which point the process slows significantly, leading to a notably longer lifespan.

The most significant non-visual difference between Avani and most species is their relationship with Celestial Magic. Due to the same factors that give them their mental abilities, Avani experience physical pain when exposed to Celestial Magic. They are incapable of producing it themselves and feel discomfort when holding or carrying magical items of Celestial power. Entering an area infused with Celestial Magic results in an even stronger reaction and lingering in such places can have significant consequences. This also means that Avani typically avoid having even beneficial Celestial Magic cast on them, except in the direst of circumstances.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Command for 4 XP, Break Command 2XP, Mental Role-Play, Cannot purchase Read Magic.

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Avani can be identified by the feathers that grow on their face, and occasionally in their hair. The patterns and placements of the feathers vary, but they are always clearly visible. The colors of the feathers are reflections of an Avana’s dominant personality traits, although interpreting the meanings of feathers is more of an art than a science.

Red Rapidly Shifting Emotions, Volatile, Rash, Angry, Passionate Purple Calculating, Callous, Rational, Serious
Orange Driven by Conviction, Committed, Loyal, Single-Minded Pink Creative, Gregarious, Energetic, Unpredictable, Distractible
Yellow Trusting, Honest, Naive, Kind, Loving Brown Closed Off, Private, Slow-to-Trust, Introverted, Shy
Green Spiteful, Selfish, Independent, Tenacious, Jealous Black Steadfast, Consistent, Willful, Determined
Blue Calm, Thoughtful, Slow-to-Action, Indecisive, Measured White Mischievous, Impulsive, Spontaneous, Short Sighted

An Avana’s feathers may have as few as one color, or as many as three. The exception to this general rule is gold and silver feathers, which may appear in addition to or in place of the regular feather colors of an Avana with uncommonly strong mental power.

Dark Elf

To surface-dwellers, Dark Elves often seem cold and standoffish. This is due to their high expectations of personal conduct, both for themselves and others. This is not to say that Dark Elves never laugh or cry, but they are expected to keep excessive emotions in check. Additionally, their sense of humor may be darker than others.

Dark Elves place a high value on personal integrity. While they can lie, it is almost always to a greater purpose. Due to their mistrust of the more “carefree” people of the surface, Dark Elves tend to gravitate toward and place greater trust in those with similar values. While Dark Elves do have a sense of self-preservation, they are generally taught not to show fear or hesitation in the face of adversity. Therefore, they are often inclined to meet difficult, and even life-threatening, challenges head on. Dark Elven culture places a high value on the valor of such deeds, but this belief does often cost Dark Elves their lives.

Law and personal accountability are of the utmost importance to dark elf society—the law is the law, and those who violate it should anticipate harsh punishments. Similarly, those who uphold the law are held to the most stringent of standards. Therefore, they are worthy of the utmost respect, so long as they maintain their integrity.

Dark Elves age normally up to adulthood, and then very slowly, or not at all. It is difficult to say if Dark Elves are ageless, since it is rare for them to live to truly old age, given their willingness to do what is necessary in the face of danger.

Dark Elves have pointed ears and silver or white hair. Their skin can range in color from gray to darker blue to purple; black is not a permitted skin color.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Command for 4 XP, Resist Spell for 5 XP, Archery costs half XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Dark Elves must have pointed elf ears. All exposed skin may be any shade of blue or purple, or gray so long as it’s not light enough to look like white or dark enough to look like black at first glance. Black makeup will absolutely not be permitted. Skin-tight cloth, like compression clothing, tights and gloves, can also be used to simulate skin. Since makeup can transfer to other surfaces and players, and their garb, wearing fingerless gloves or other hand coverings without makeup on the fingers is also acceptable. Hair and eyebrows must be white or silver. Wigs or temporary hair color wax or spray will work.


While there is some debate over what type of ecosystem the “great forest” actually is, the general consensus is that Dryads watched over the First Realm until it was time for them to take their rest and pass over stewardship. When they woke from their Great Sleep, memories of their culture had become buried deep within the recesses of their minds. Many have woken to a quite different world. Overall, they are a sociable people. Harmless mischief is often seen as an important cultural bonding exercise, though many Dryad also have a deep-rooted sense of fairness which may seem counter intuitive.

These curious, gentle folks are not actual plants but mortal creatures of flesh and blood with an extremely diverse background. Their physiology is as broad as all the flora and fungi that exist in the natural world. Dryads also come from many varied regions. For example, you may find Dryads living in swampy mires, arid deserts, and deeply forested regions.

Due to their deep connection to the natural world Dryads can purchase Herbal Lore at half price (rounded up) and Resist Binding as a Species Skill. Because of their aversion to large quantities of metal, they cannot wear armor of a grade higher than 2 points per location, though they may use the armor layering rules to achieve higher values in a location — see the Armor section for details. Dryads may learn to use any Weapon but must avoid completely metal ones — a Dryad might use an obsidian sword or one that has been silvered.

Species Specific Skills: Herbal Lore (half cost rounded up), Resist Binding 4XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: To play a Dryad, you must use makeup and costuming appropriate for the type. All must have some sort of leafy prosthetic, such as flowers in the hair or vines around the body. Mushrooms must have a cap or veil. Makeup can be as simple or as creative as you wish, as long as it is nature-inspired. While every Dryad is different, clothing and kit tends to favor Earth tones, or colors reflective of their type (i.e. A Lilac dryad may have a kit that includes soft greens, pinks and purples). The makeup and costuming can change with the seasons; thus, an Aspen Dryad could be primarily gray in the winter, green in the spring and summer, and orange in the fall.


Dwarves are a tough, resilient, and proud species that often live in mountainous regions but can be found in a variety of climates. In the Realms of REFUGE “dwarf” does not mean small nor short. They commonly live in vast cities built with precision and adorned with elaborate carvings and the finest metal work. The most recognizable trait of a Dwarf is a glorious beard and/or braids. These are very well-groomed and generally adorned with jewelry or personal accessories, these features are a major part of their culture and a source of great pride for the species.

Dwarves are fierce warriors and rarely back down from challenges, either physical, social, verbal, or abstract. As a long-lived species, they also tend toward a “slow and steady wins the race” attitude. Dwarven attention to detail borders on obsession and in combination with their other traits, this often leads to lively conversations even among their family and allies. Yet, when it comes to war, they are quick and decisive. Glory in battle, especially when that battle is defending their own species, is a battle worth fighting to win. A Dwarf will go out of their way to help their own, and this is extended to include those to which they've bestowed the title of friend. Truehearted, noble, and unrelenting in battle, when someone manages to truly befriend a Dwarf, they will have a fiercely loyal comrade for life.

Dwarves take great pride in the various things they create, and those creations are not limited to smithing. From Weapons and armor, to towering statues, down to the most delicate of jewelry, even their cuisines and ale they make has the same passion poured into it. Dwarven artisanship is held in the highest regard by most, prized throughout the REALMS OF REFUGE; the byword for quality is craftdwarfship. Be warned, considering the time and meticulous attention to detail that goes into everything they make, Dwarves are not amused by unwarranted and hasty criticism. When a Dwarf comes of age, they often specialize in a specific craft.

All Dwarves carry the story of their life and lineage with them, literally, in the form of some style of braiding or decoration of their own hair. These braids are some of the most treasured things in their life. To that end, there are at least one of two options which must be selected when physically representing this species. A beard with at least two braids; decorated with beads, runes, or beard coils. Or head braids; either one large or at least two smaller ones adorned with beads, runes, or coils. Head braids should be visible from at least ten feet and must be at least one and a half times shoulder length (from the top of their head to shoulder plus half that length). They may sometimes display a combination of both a beard and head braids.

Dwarves can purchase the species Skill Resist Poison. This is primarily due to years of exposure to the trace amount of gases and poisons that can be found lingering in mineshafts where they work, deep within the Earth. The inborn musculature and excellent Immune systems of Dwarves are often burnished by generations of constant extreme physical activity: this allows each purchase of Hardy at -1 XP and Resist Poison as a Species Skill. Likewise, their natural endurance toward temperature and Celestial Magic leaves them hardened against the elements, and with many being continuously subjected to intense hot and cold environments where they must perform most of their work, this trait also becomes a practice: they may purchase the species Skill Resist Element. Dwarven hereditary attention to detail and an uncanny knack with the forge mean Dwarves can purchase the Blacksmith Skill for - 1 XP.

Species Specific Skills: Blacksmith Skill (purchased at -1XP) Hardy Skill (purchased at -1XP), Resist Element 3XP, Resist Poison 4XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: There are 2 options when physically representing this species. A beard with at least 2 braids decorated with beads, runes, or beard coils is required. And/or head braids either 1 large or at least 2 smaller ones adorned with beads, runes, or coils. Head braids should be visible from at least 10 feet and must be at least one and a half times shoulder length (from the top of your head to shoulder plus half that length). You may take a combination of both beard and head braids if you choose.


If other long-lived species are stones in the river of time, steadfast against the torrents of change, then Elves are fish. They exist within the movements and flows of their world–they understand them, are molded by them, and live in harmony. Because of that, they have made their way into every corner of the realms they inhabit, displaying an incredible fluidity of physiology, culture, and temperament.

Elves inevitably flourish in almost any environment and have gradually adjusted their genetic traits to be more in tune with their surroundings. Variants have developed over time, exhibiting subtle shifts to best suit their chosen ecosystem. These may manifest as simply as differences in complexion, all the way up to unique specializations to thrive in an unforgiving landscape. Elves have been found in cities, deserts, forests, tundras, plains, on the high-seas, as nomads, as settled members of communities, and even as avowed hermits. A city-dwelling elf might have lived there since it was a cluster of huts, and love the city all the more for it, another might wander the world as an eternal student, investing centuries into a monumental magnum opus, and another might stand guardian over some forgotten, wild place far from the edge of civilization’s maps.

All elves, despite their evolutionary adaptability, share the same core biological traits. They possess incredibly keen senses that allow them to perceive the world around them with a clarity many species could only dream of. When focused, an elf can scent a shift in weather, or hear the songs of night creatures. Their vision is unparalleled, even at a great distance, making elves particularly suited for Archery and ranged combat, which they can learn at half the cost. Their natural long-life gives them a strong focus on maintaining the stability of whatever environment they’ve chosen to call home, whether that means fostering sustainable living within the rhythms of nature, preserving the socio-economic health of their humble town, or manipulating relationships between nations as dignitaries. These sustainable practices often make for a healthier landscape and Elven people, aiding in resistances to common illnesses and further fortifying the natural Elven longevity.

While Elven societies exist in every variation of structure and style, they demonstrate obvious commonalities. Their stewardship over their land results in architecture where engineering and natural features exist in perfect union. Natural resources are cared for and maintained vigilantly, making them profitable trade-partners to other societies, or perhaps rich targets for conquest. Being so attuned with the land, sea, and stars, Elven cultures are prone to observe and celebrate occasions of natural beauty and Celestial occurrences whenever possible.

Elves understand that there is always, always more time, and even the most awful tragedies or grand triumphs will pass and fade away. This tendency can make them appear unempathetic to the day-to-day hardships of life– even aloof, passive aggressive, or at worst, elitist. Yet this resilience of mind gives them natural mental defenses, and all elves gain access to the species ability Resist Command (4 XP). Many young elves are filled with an unquenchable wanderlust, and their buoyant spirits lead them towards exploration and discovery. Some never settle down, and spend mortal lifetimes seeking adventure on the ever-elusive edge of the unknown.

So much variety and potential may make defining the Species as slippery as catching a silver fish in a stream, but one need only look to the world around them to have all the context necessary to understand elves. They are as the world is.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Command 4XP, Half-Cost for Archery (rounded up)

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: All Elves must wear pointed ear prosthetics. These may vary in shape and length but should be visible over the player’s hairline. Ideally these should be a shape which is not easily mistaken for animal ears. You are also encouraged to have any other costuming you feel further represents the “type” of elf you are playing.


Halflings are peaceful people. Primary among all other considerations, Halflings love comfort. They enjoy a pleasant home, a warm fireplace, good food, fancy clothing, fine wine, and excellent distractions. Halflings love a good story, play, book, or bard, and will actively seek out entertainment when it is available. The art of storytelling in all its forms is highly valued, so much so that those who take up trade as a bard or author are highly revered in Halfling society. As such, both oral and written history are extremely important to a Halfling. A Halfling dedicated to chronicling histories sticks with the facts. But if the focus is storytelling, then why let facts get in the way?

Halflings greatly value wares and goods and love a good bargain or deal. They would never deign to offer an insulting price on someone’s work. Craft and method are highly valued, as are the people who produce truly remarkable wares. As Halflings are known to be shrewd and talented in business, they are a boon to any industry they set themselves to. Their appreciation of quality and Skill in dealing with others is truly unparalleled. Yet, most Halflings are often willing to pay more for an item of significance, if the story is impressive enough.

When it all boils down, Halflings are generally simple folks; they enjoy a good home and the comforts afforded there. Because of this, Halflings generally dislike adventuring and the risks it involves. To some, though, the possibility of earning rewards or discovering stories and treasure in some long-forgotten dungeon is often just too tempting to resist. However, it will be rare for any Halfling to desire to be an adventurer for too long, and the plan will be to do so just long enough to become the subject of a story or four…Can you ever be the subject of enough stories?

Since Halflings appreciate the finer pleasures in life, outsiders wrongly can see them as materialistic. This is not so. Greed is seen as one of the worst infractions in Halfling society, only eclipsed by the scorn doled out to those who steal or cheat. Halflings are known to value a comfortable fairness in their society. They don’t want others disturbing their comfort and relaxation, so they encourage noninterference with everyone.

As such, in political affairs, Halflings often stay neutral and “mind their own business” (in more ways than one). Reputation among fellow Halflings is extremely important, as it is essential to keeping a peaceful and comfortable life. Among other species, however, a Halfling does not necessarily place their reputation in such high concern. Seldom does a Halfling do something without considering the impact to his or her reputation, but it is important to keep in mind that sometimes reputation and action are quite different things.

Halflings solve a problem by viewing it first through every possible angle. Even Halfling warriors don’t just step up to a foe and start swinging - they think before they act. They do not rush their decision making. Sometimes, non-Halflings see this concern and consideration as aloofness or obtuseness. In truth, Halfling society just favors clever thinking, whether it be riddles, tactics, puzzles, philosophy, logic, and out-of-the-box problem solving. But, at the end of the day, though they may not be naturally bellicose, Halflings are fierce defenders of their homes and their comforts.

Halflings love tradition, whether it be personal, familial, or communal. Watching the dawn, celebrating birthdays, welcoming in the harvest or newcomers - whatever the tradition, these can be developed over a year, a lifetime, or over generations. This may explain why Halflings seem to have so very many parties and celebrations. With such a devotion to tradition, invariably a few will be truly mystifying to outsiders. Hierarchy of traditions is key, with the oldest being given the greatest consideration. While Halflings find traditions important to stick to, this does not hamper the creation of new ones. Every Halfling knows that new traditions can be just as rich and important as old ones. With such an appreciation of celebrations, traditions, and comforts, Halflings are true epicureans. Such delights have made their constitutions quite strong - strong enough to resist poisons (if well-trained). Halflings are also quite nimble, both of body and of mind. They have a Species Evade, have a species Resist Poison, and pay 1 less for Create Trap.

Species Specific Skills: Species Evade, Resist Poison 4XP, Create Trap purchased as -1XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Use accentuating makeup or prosthetic to meet eyebrow alteration requirements like “distinctive” eyebrows AND as a second component have a prominent metallic birthmark (makeup, tattoo, or prosthetic) on the face.


High Ogres have large rearward facing horns, red, orange, or yellow veins around the eyes. They have one of the shortest lifespans of the adventuring species, reaching maturity in one year, with an average lifespan of twenty years, though some do manage to live into their late thirties.

High Ogres have a heightened metabolism leading them to operate at a level of intensity that absolutely befuddles longer lived species. Due to this, when bored they tend to find something to do, whether it is work, fighting, or some other rigorous activity. This is because they process certain sugars, such as those found in fruits, incredibly rapidly, to the point of needing to do something physical shortly after its consumption.

Primarily High Ogre communities tend to hold one or two solid beliefs and then there is rapid change around this central idea. The sages of very long-lived species have a saying “If you want to get all sides of a single idea, ask High Ogre communities about it every twenty years or so.” This can hold true for even an individual High Ogre, where while the central idea remains the same, the outer fringes of that idea are fluid, which isn’t seen as contradictory by the High Ogre. Adventuring High Ogres in it to be a “hero” may go through multiple meanings of what it means to be a hero in just a single year, but rarely would give up on heroism completely. Sitting still long enough to learn the intricate nature of Celestial Magic is more difficult for High Ogres. Those that do tend to be either extremely focused, or unusually calm for their species. Read Magic costs double for High Ogre characters.

In addition, High Ogres can learn to tap into these energy reserves in combat. When in great danger they can fight through the pain of injuries with sheer bursts of adrenaline. Tales are told of High Ogres taking a direct hit from a catapult stone, and still fighting on. Due to this High Ogres may take Resolute as a species Skill. The bones of High Ogres are also incredibly dense and difficult to break and grow in density as they age. Even after breaking, they grow back stronger, and often times slightly thicker, than before these breaks. High Ogres in their thirties have been found with their rib cage fused into an almost internal breastplate after decades of battle. As such, High Ogres pay one XP less for the Hardy Skill.

High Ogre traditions are that they were created out of the “bones of the world”, and there may be some truth to the statement. They are keenly aware of changes to the natural world around them, and feel discomfort when sudden changes such as Earthquakes, massive storms, or plagues crop up. This connection with the land itself is even more intense when it comes to Necromantic energies and Undead. Calling upon their energy reserves they can “ground” the powers of undeath and dissipate it through the dirt beneath their feet. It’s rumored that the level of Necromantic energy in the area may cause their eye veins to “flare” becoming more dramatic in such situations. As such they can buy Resist Necromancy.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Necromancy 4XP, Species Resolute, Hardy purchased at -1XP, Double Cost to Read Magic, half cost for Weapon Skills.

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: High Ogres are a PC Species which requires the use of makeup and prosthetics. All High Ogres have tusks and horns of any [safe] size. In addition, they have yellow to orange to red veins from the eyes representing highly intense blood vessels.


High Orcs have green skin of varying shades and protruding teeth or tusks. They have shorter lifespans than a human, reaching maturity in two years, with an average lifespan of thirty years, though some do manage to live into their late forties.

No less intelligent than any of the other sapient species, their short lifespan means that they tend to be more focused on the immediate, rather than the long term. While an elf might see a plan that takes twenty years to come to fruition as reasonable, to a High Orc that’s essentially a lifelong commitment.

This has led to a situation where High Orcs seem crude or overly Blunt to these longer-lived species. This doesn’t generally concern a High Orc much, if whatever needs doing gets done. It also means that not much stock is placed in being concerned with grudges, others or their own. If someone attacks you, put them down. If someone insults you, right the wrong, then get on with life. It is better to sit down with friends, food, and song than to simmer with unexpressed anger, or work some political angle.

Due to this, primarily Orcish communities tend to be a strange mix of volatile and stable. On any given day, two High Orcs might be bellowing at each other as a way to work out a disagreement in the morning, and in the evening both are clapping each other on the back for work well done, the previous conflict having reached a conclusion one way or another. This letting go of the past and future to focus on the now makes treaties and the like very difficult for other species when dealing with High Orcs, to which most High Orcs shrug and just get on with whatever they decide needs doing at that point. As such they tend towards the most direct approach possible when solving problems. They’re no less capable of intricate plans than anyone else but tend to prefer solving the immediate problem as efficiently as possible. While this means they don’t tend towards the life of a Scholar, due to the time it takes to master those Skills, those that do are dedicated combatants indeed! Read Magic costs double for High Orc characters.

High Orcish muscle is also extraordinarily strong for its size, meaning that the strength training other species need to do to effectively train in the use of Weaponry just isn’t necessary. While it takes time to learn how to effectively use a specific Weapon, they just don’t need as much repetition as a human does to get the same effect. Weapon Skills cost half as much (rounded up) for High Orc characters.

In addition, High Orcs do not have the same pain response as a human or dwarf. While they feel discomfort at an injury, compared to other species, they can fight on despite what would otherwise be a mortal wound. Tales are told of High Orcs fighting on despite having their entire torso eviscerated, only to be patched up by a healer afterwards. Due to this High Orcs may take Resolute as a species ability.

They can metabolize harmful substances incredibly fast for a creature their size, with a liver twice the size of a human’s. This means that they can eat a wider variety of foods and breathe in environments that would incapacitate a more delicate creature. Due to this High Orcs may take Resist Poison as a species ability.

Species Specific Skills: Weapon Skills purchased at half XP (rounded up), Species Resolute, Resist Poison 4XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: High Orcs are a PC species which requires the use of makeup. All High Orc players wear green make-up on their face and have protruding tusks. All exposed flesh should be that color.


Across the entirety of the Realms, no species is so numerous or ubiquitous as humanity. No single creed or goal unifies their disparate civilizations, not even the concept of civilization itself, or what such a thing should look like.

Longer-lived species frequently find interacting with humans to be a dizzying affair - after all, with an average life span considerably shorter than a century, their individual lives seem to come and go like leaves on trees. Still, those lives frequently burn bright and hot with ambition and excellence, and with there being just *so many of them*, to ignore them outright is a grave mistake.

Their tendency towards inclusivity is an undeniable facet of their existence: humans possess the singular ability to incorporate other people, animals, or even inanimate objects into a group considered ‘their own’ - even including non-humans, much to the honor, annoyance, or amusement of members of other species. Humans, while capable of enduring solitude, are social beings that do best when partnered with trusted friends and loved ones. In a universe filled with fantastic beasts and monsters, humans rely upon each other as much as their own Skills to survive.

Their brief, flaring lives have led them to become masters of adaptability and resilience, and humans can be found to live - and even thrive - in the most inhospitable of climes: from scorching deserts to freezing glaciers, sweltering jungles, even deep underground in lightless caverns, or in bug-infested swamps. Humanity has mastered them all. Some communities are nomadic, and some cities have been settled for thousands of years unbroken, becoming true bastions of civilization and enlightenment.

This adaptability has developed in humanity an incredible capacity for imagination and ingenuity. Where other species are capable of almost instinctive feats of magical or warrior prowess, humans have had to rely upon their wits and problem-solving abilities to survive the frequently perilous Realms. It is a matter of pride (for humans) and consternation (for other, older species) that human beings are often capable of developing Skills in just about any field comparable to the greatest masters of any other people. Rhetoric, warfare, commerce, even the higher arts of magic have all been mastered by humanity at one point or another - with successive generations raising the bar of mastery repeatedly.

Still, perhaps the most beautiful trait of humanity is how utterly awash its teeming numbers are with contradiction - for every person who considers a certain behavior as a rule, just as many may call it the exception. Humanity runs the gamut of every conceivable variation of mentality, morality, or ambition, the absolute best can be counted among their number - as can the very worst. The most heinous villain may be born down the street from the noblest of heroes, the most selfless philosopher may daily pass the greediest burgher. It is this capacity for self-realization, for surprising promise, that makes humanity so special, and which leads them to carve their names in the very stones of history with such frequency.

Species Specific Skills: As Humans do not require any special make-up or prosthetics, they do not receive any special Skills.

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Humans have no make-up or prosthetic requirements. However, players must be careful to avoid anything that may confuse them with any other Species in REFUGE.


Some say it was a Fey wish that coursed through the veins of the world. Others believe Kyn formed by the first backlash of Ritual Magic. The origin of Kyn and the source of their adaptive powers are wrapped in one of the oldest mysteries of the REALMS OF REFUGE.

Kyn are seen throughout the Realms. From a simple Foxkyn baker, to a ferocious Bearkyn who lives in the wilds. Their culture is as diverse as the subspecies that make up Kyn. Some live remotely in the wilds while others grow up in massive cities. A Wolfkyn may feel they want to howl at a full moon. In the wilds this may happen, but a city dwelling Wolfkyn Mage may take a moment to gaze out the window on their busy day rather than howl.

Societies often reflect their animal roots. Many Dolphinkyn travel in packs and work together to complete their goals. A lounge of Lizardkyn may spend their time in the warm months outdoors soaking up the heat from the sun while going about daily tasks, or even basking on a rock for a quick break.

Having animal roots means it takes a little more focus to become Educated. This does not mean they are incapable of magic or bookkeeping. Many have become accomplished healers or High Magic wielders. Some are greatly Skilled in the Trades, like fishing, carpentry, and baking. A more gregarious Kyn may work as a tavern keeper, painter, or a performing artist - or positions where they can be among a constant flow of other individuals.

All Kyn have natural instincts that they choose to embrace or control. A Turtlekyn might not run very fast while a Rabbitkyn can’t stop twitching. Each subspecies is unique. One Catkyn might hiss when they get angry while another is prone to take long cat naps.

Many Kyn are nomadic, always seeking safe shelter. To this end, they are likely to show interest in new lands they travel through. This makes them great at fitting in, making quick friends and improving safety through alliances and resources. Kyn can be pragmatists and quick to embrace change partly out of a strong sense of self-preservation.

Species Specific Skills: Claws 8XP, Any 2 Species abilities with an XP Cost, Scenting ability. Double cost for Read Magic.

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: All Kyn are based on a real-world animal. No fictional creatures such as gryphons or dragons are allowed as Kyn. There are also no cross breeds unless it happens in nature such as a Ligerkyn.

What type of Kyn subspecies you are playing must be declared at character creation. Kyn must represent the subspecies they are (goat, tiger, beetle) in their costuming. This can be done with makeup, prosthetics, or a mask. All exposed skin must be painted to match the subspecies. Wearing a thin colored long sleeve shirt also works to represent this. Have fun when picking your subspecies. There are lots of different options for you to choose from and get creative with.


The Realmsworn are a pragmatic and stoic species defined by their unyielding commitment to duty. They are collectively united by the Primal Vow, a shared burden among Realmsworn to protect the REALMS OF REFUGE from outside threats. Through the Primal Vow they share a deep connection with the land that manifests as the rocky or bony protrusions seen on the faces of Realmsworn.

All Realmsworn make the same Primal Vow:

“Realms united, heed my vow.
I beg you, give me strength.
That I may rise against the tide,
And on me it shall break.

The time has come to take a stand,
Against threats from beyond.
I swear that I shall guard this Realm,
and be its paragon.

This vow, and any I shall swear,
are my eternal bond.
I pledge to serve the Realms and land,
‘til my last breath is gone.”

The taking of any vow is a solemn act for Realmsworn that requires significant deliberation. Once taken, the vow becomes a part of who they are. Realmsworn take immense pride in the vows they have taken and display this by prominently wearing a Vow Ring, which they call a Var, on their clothing for all to see.

All Realmsworn believe service creates strength. Through serving a cause greater than themselves, they reach their full potential and help those around them reach theirs. They are pillars of strength in the community or on the battlefield. Realmsworn recognize that bearing great burdens and honoring their vows deepens their connection to the Realm and develops the strength they need to protect it. Realmsworn bear an inherent aversion for any creature not native to the REALMS OF REFUGE (such as Elementals or Extraplanar). The extent to which this manifest varies but many Realmsworn are eager to purge the REALMS OF REFUGE of outside influence.

Species Specific Skills: Species Resolute 2XP, Resist Elemental for 3XP, purchase Hardy for -1XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Realmsworn are required to wear prosthetics on their face that portray rocky or bony protrusions. The size and patterning must be such that they could not be mistaken for another species. These prosthetics are usually smaller than three inches and there must be at least three of them on the face. They must also have a Var that is at least two inches in diameter that is worn as part of their costuming. It may be any shape. The Var is to be adorned with decorations to detail each vow the Realmsworn has taken. How this is done is an individual decision (e.g., gems, feathers, or string).



To be a Stellarean is to be a member of a species of fallen stars. With this unique heritage comes an extraordinary birthright. Every Stellarean is connected to every other member of their species via a deep and subtle empathic bond. This means when two Stellarean meet for the first time, they are much more likely to get on well with each other, and most Stellarean bond more quickly and strongly with others of their own species. Not to say that the species is unable to harbor great and intense emotions towards members of other species; not every Star in the sky is part of a constellation. In fact, it has been said that a Stellarean can even form a bond with a non-Stellarean so strong, that something very like their species-wide empathic link is forged between them.

Stellarean have a natural curiosity for the world around them. Due to their Celestial heritage, everything about the world feels just a bit alien to them. This causes them to be drawn to meet new people, experience new things and travel to new places. Some find this need insatiable, causing them to wander far and wide, while others find they can satisfy it within their chosen community.

While the feel of being around other Stellarean is appealing to some, that empathic link can also become overwhelming. Some take to wandering alone or in groups of other species to clear their heads. But that pull to another Star is not insignificant and can sometimes contribute to the wanderlust a Stellarean feels, pushing some eventually to search for their own species once more.

Stellarean culture is eclectic. From the unique experiences each Stellarean has, they develop their own customs. As such, it is not unheard of for a newly arrived Stellarean to seek out those already established in that land. This is a way to appease that desire to meet more of their kind, but also make sure not to disrupt any of the customs those established Stellarean possess.

Stellarean personalities are as varied as the stars in the sky. However, they do have a tendency to be outgoing, friendly and irrepressibly free-spirited. Their lust for life is legendary. They don’t dress or speak in any particular way, instead being heavily influenced by the cultures around them.

As a fallen Star, Stellarean are mildly resistant to Earth Magic, giving them the ability to Resist Curse.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Curse 4XP

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Each Stellarean brings a piece of their star with them when they are born into their physical bodies, which manifest as gems located on the heads of each member. Some may only have one or two, while others are adorned with small clusters of gems. These gems always appear at or above the brow line, often near an eye, though never reaching the middle of the forehead.

Stone Elf

Stone Elves have alabaster white skin, pointed ears, and lips that are black or another dark color other than red. Some are born with patterns of glyphs on their skin.

Legends say that long ago a group of Dark Elves were changed by a Celestial Magic backlash into the stoic Stone Elves of today, removed from the reckless emotions that once brought them ruin. Stone Elves show nearly no emotion and have the appearance of being eternally calm. Their discipline and their mental strength enable them to suppress outward emotional expression. Most spend a lifetime seeking to be rid of inner turmoil as well and proximity to others’ emotional expressions can be uncomfortable. Some claim that this discomfort is due to Stone Elves feeling physical pain when exposed to strong emotion, though Stone Elves themselves are typically quite reticent to discuss such matters.

Stone Elves live many centuries, and as such they have a different view on matters than Humans and other short-lived species. Pragmatism is easier to learn for them, as it is a common belief that most conflicts resolve themselves with time.

While the specifics of Stone Elf societies may differ, they are always based upon a carefully reasoned format. Most Stone Elves have the goal of productively contributing to their communities. It is common for any Stone Elf community of significant size to arrange itself into subsets such as houses or research conclaves led by elders, which can manage parts of the community rather than every issue requiring the attention of every member. Stone Elves’ thirst for knowledge can take them all over the Realms. These quests often last for decades or even centuries and are frequently regarded as a rite of passage for young Stone Elves.

Stone Elves’ emotional control gives them the precision needed to write magical language. Their intense focus and keen senses produce Skilled archers, while their rigorous mental practices make overcoming Command magic simple. Stone Elves are gifted with Mental Abilities that allow certain powers over the minds of others. While a great many follow the path of the Scholar, they have no natural affinity for learning Spells.

Role-playing a Stone Elf can be mentally draining as it involves watching yourself for most any sign of emotion and repressing expressions. Please take care to give yourself OOG breaks if needed. Please see national or local stone elf species Packets for information on glyphs in your chapter, the fabled mindbonds, and other tips and tricks for bringing your stone elf to life. For examples of skin glyphs in your campaign, check with the local chapter.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Command 4XP, Half XP cost of Archery, Purchase Create Scroll at -1XP, Mental Role-play

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Stone Elves must have pointed elf ears. All exposed skin must have white makeup, and lips may be any dark color that is not a shade of red.


(sill-AH-dren) The Syladrin are descended from the Fey, their closest cousins being satyrs and fauns. They are truly a communal society believing “it takes a village” to accomplish most tasks, from defeating a vile foe to raising children. As such they have a strange idea of personal possession compared to other species, finding little reason to hoard wealth when it can be spent for the betterment of the community; be that in arms and equipment or throwing a lavish party to raise everyone’s spirits.

The Syladrin hold the ideal of personal freedom in high esteem and are reticent to take away that freedom from any sentient beings without due reason. They abhor Command magics, though the strength of their revulsion is different from person-to-person and community-to-community. Their respect for personal freedom is so strong that their wills are notoriously hard to break.

Syladrin cannot help but tinker and learn about the world around them, either dabbling a little in a lot of subjects or becoming experts in their fields. This natural propensity to learning allows them to pay for the Trades Skill at -1 XP and must purchase at least one level of Trades for their first five levels. Feyrie blood courses through their veins, leaving them apart from most of the effects of the passage of time. As such, the Syladrin have no known maximum age, instead dying from other causes such as accidents, disease, or war.

Species Specific Skills: Resist Command 4XP, Break Command 4XP, Trades Skill costs 1 XP (must purchase 1 per level until 5 have been purchased)

Prosthetics and Makeup Requirements: Elf ears and use horns of any [safe] size on the forehead. Elf ears can be any length the player chooses if they are elf ears. Horns can be any color (or colors) and shape of the player’s choosing.

Monster Characters

Many players have the dream of playing monster characters as their PCs. The thought of playing a goblin PC or werewolf PC or vampire PC can be lots of fun for the player but is not allowed by the REFUGE LARP rules. The REFUGE LARP game system is designed to be balanced between all the classes. Monster abilities were never meant to be given to players, because it would throw that balance off.

PC “monsters” only foster unwanted conflicts between players. PCs playing these monsters are bound to be attacked or hunted down by other players, and the hard feelings that erupt from players who are trying to play true to their monster form often turn into OOG arguments. PC versus PC conflicts are important to the game, but when one PC is seen as having an unfair advantage due to powers that cannot be achieved by other PCs, then out- of-game arguments ensue.

Most importantly, it should be noted that monsters are all controlled by the Plot Committee. This allows us to monitor and properly scale events to make sure that the challenges out there are proper for the level of the player base. It also allows us to decide when Cast characters enter the game and how they will act, and when to pull them if things are getting out of control or if the direction of the game needs tweaking.

PC monsters throw all that out the window, because unlike Cast, PCs have free will. With PC monsters out there, the Plot Committee spends all its time trying to deal with these wild cards instead of running its own plots. If you become cursed to turn into a vampire or werewolf IG, you will be completely under the control of the Plot Committee for the time when you are cursed. You will only be allowed to change into your new form when the Plot Committee tells you. Once changed, you are a temporary Cast under the control of the Committee and must act as the Plot Committee instructs you, even if it is harmful to your character.