Multiple casters may participate in the casting of the same Ritual. One, and only one, of the participants must be designated the “primary” caster. The other casters are known as the “secondary” casters.
Each secondary caster must have the same aspect as the primary caster and at least one level of the Formal Magic ability. For example, only secondary casters with a Celestial aspect can aid a primary caster with a Celestial aspect. The Ritual marshal should review the player cards of each secondary caster before the Ritual begins. For each qualified secondary caster aiding in the Ritual casting, the primary caster is deemed to have an additional level of Formal Magic for purposes of the Ritual being cast. No matter how many levels of the Formal Magic Skill each secondary caster possesses, the primary caster gains no more than one level per secondary caster present.
Moreover, the primary caster must have at least a one in ten chance to successfully complete the Ritual before the effect of the presence of any secondary casters is determined. No more than one secondary caster may aid a primary caster for each level of the Formal Magic Skill possessed by the primary caster. No matter how many secondary casters assist a primary caster, the chance of successfully completing a Ritual cannot exceed nine in ten. A flaw or Backlash is always encountered on a die roll of 0, regardless of the assistance of secondary casters.
Secondary casters must follow all the same rules with respect to the conduct of Rituals as the primary caster, except that secondary casters do not have to possess their own Ritual Scroll or Ritual components, do not have to be able to see or read the Ritual Scroll, and do not have to touch the recipient during the Ritual casting. Secondary casters may not withdraw their support for the Ritual after the Ritual has begun.
In case of failure or Backlash, secondary casters are subject to the same effects as the primary caster. For any other targeting purposes, the primary caster is considered the only “caster” of the Ritual unless otherwise specified on the Ritual Scroll.