Every Cast you play should have a monster card. A sample card is below. The card contains the following information:
Monster Name: This will be printed clearly at the top of the card. This is the name commonly used to refer to this monster.
Monster Type(s): These are printed just under the Monster Name. Keywords here are used to determine some rules effects, such as “Control <Monster Type> By Voice!” and whether they are vulnerable to some specific spells like Banish, Subjugate, or Control Undead.
Role: This describes the general role of the monster. Cast can get a good idea of how the card is supposed to be played by looking at this field. For example, a Protector would be intended to help protect other monsters on their side of the line.
ACE: ACE stands for “Average Character Equivalent.” This number provides a rough estimate as to the power of the monster in PC level terms. This number does not include any PC Skills that may be added to the monster, as certain monster Skills are not easily equitable into Build Point costs.
Description: This briefly describes the monster in- game, and should be used to answer the question “What do I see?”
Appearance: This gives an outline of the expected makeup/costuming for this monster.
Body Total: The Body Points of this monster. These act just like PC Body Points.
Armor: This describes the type and amount of Armor Points the monster may use. If the field says “Rep,” it may wear a suit of physical armor (potentially with a maximum point limit) just like a PC. If the field says “Natural,” the monster has the specified amount of Natural Armor. If this field says “None,” the monster may not utilize Armor at all.
Weapon Types: Lists the Weapons this monster may use.
Damage: Specifies the damage amount called with each Weapon swing from this monster.
Carrier(s): This describes which type(s) of damage the monster may call with its Weapons. If multiple are listed, the monster must choose one and only one of these to use with each swing.
Threshold: A monster with a Threshold limits which attacks can get through its tough hide.
Immunities and Vulnerabilities: These fields describe any special weaknesses or immunities the monster may possess.
Strength: The monster’s Monster Strength rating.
Rips From / Weakness Rip: These fields list which Binding abilities the monster can Rip from. If the monster is under a Weakness, it may only rip from the abilities listed under “Weakness Rip.”
Spells / Combat Abilities / Defensive Abilities: These sections outline specific spells or attacks and defenses the monster might possess.
Other Skills: A monster may have other Skills outlined here. These might be combat Skills, or they might be Skills the monster can use in role-play.
Search / Steal: Monsters may not search or steal from PCs unless this field is signed by a Plot member or Marshal. No matter what, they must still follow all rules under the Searching and Stealing section.
May Killing Blow: Monsters may not Killing Blow PCs unless this field is signed by a Plot member or Marshal.