======Formal Magic====== Formal Magic grants casters the use of potent Ritual Scrolls to create long-lasting, durable, magical effects that extend beyond what can commonly be achieved through spells alone. Characters with High Magic can designate some of their High Magic points to their Formal Magic Skill, if they cCast 9th level spells (the prerequisite for [[Formal Magic]]). To utilize [[Ritual Scrolls]] to their fullest potential, a firm knowledge of how the [[Circle of Power]] spell can be used is needed. Every rank a character has of [[Formal Magic]] can give them an increased chance of success for all Rituals cast during that LP. Formal Magic is not used up when a Ritual is cast, it is available for all Rituals cast until the next LP starts. The Formal Magic system is there to provide and increase the potential for fun and excitement for the players. This system is not intended to be used to break, unbalance, or destroy a REFUGE LARP game. Staff, Ritual Marshals and adjudicators have final say regarding the results of all Rituals and their outcomes, especially if there is a disagreement regarding the rules. A few examples that may require a staff member to intervene: * Players who try to force their perception of a rule on other players. * Players who use the letter of the rule to violate its spirit, and thus obtain advantage not intended by the REFUGE LARP or chapter staff. * Player who perform actions that are adverse or detrimental to the storyline of the local chapter or its players More than other rules, Formal Magic allows for flexibility in its interpretation. This interpretation is done by the Plot Committee and staff, not the Player. Players who quarrel, hassle, or intimidate staff members with their disputes regarding the interpretations of the Formal Magic Rituals rules may have their ability to purchase Formal Magic removed. {{page>Aspects}} {{page>Ritual Scrolls}} {{page>Ritual Components}} {{page>Reagents}} {{page>The Circle of Power}} {{page>Preparing for Ritual Casting}} {{page>Casting Rituals}} {{page>Determine Success or Failure}} {{page>Multiple Casters}} {{page>Props}} {{page>Recipient Characters}} {{page>Ritual Staff}} * [[Rituals]]