People who volunteer for the REFUGE LARP are compensated for their efforts with Chapter Points. These are usually rewarded for work done at a rate that varies by chapter (more stressful, responsible, or undesirable jobs may earn you more points.) You may also earn Chapter Points by donating or making props, playing Cast, or volunteering in other staff positions.
Chapter Points can be collected and used at your convenience with certain limitations. The RPDb keeps track for you when you earn and spend them. You can spend your chapter points in many ways, listed below; your local chapter may have additional ways to spend your points not included here..
Resurrections: You may trade in Chapter Points to “buy back” a Resurrection that your character has experienced. This will reduce your risk of permanent death. In other words, the amount of black stones in the Resurrection Bag of Chance will be reduced by one.
There are some limitations on this use of Chapter Points: First, you can never buy back your first two Resurrections. Second, you may not buy back a Resurrection once your character has pulled a black stone. There are also some Rituals that will prevent “buying back” deaths in this way. Finally, no character may ever buy back more than ten deaths in this manner. For logistics purposes, you can only buy back Resurrections in your character’s home campaign.
The cost of buying back Resurrections with Chapter Points is as follows: 40 Chapter Points to buy your first Resurrection, 80 for your second, 160 for your third, 20,480 for your tenth, and so on. The price doubles for each additional Resurrection.
Game Items: For each Chapter Point spent, you can receive one Production Point which can then be used to “purchase” coins, scrolls, potions, elixirs, gasses, traps, Weapons, or armor. During your registration for an event, state what you wish to use the Chapter Points for, and Logistics will provide the item(s). You cannot spend more than fifty Chapter Points per LP of the event (so a normal two-day weekend event would be limited to 100). Note that you will not be given random Production Points that you can store away to be used any way you want in the future.
You are welcome to come up with your own IG explanation for how your character came up with these items – perhaps you found them on a dead body between events, perhaps you bartered for them, or perhaps you stole them from an unwitting peddler. We do not provide the physical representations for any of these things, only the appropriate tags. You must supply the actual scroll, potion vial, armor, or Weapon requested.
If spending Production Points on something that would normally require additional coin (like Strengthening or Silvering), you must supply the additional coin out of pocket.
Since a Production Point is worth one copper piece, you may also turn in your Chapter Points for coins. One hundred Chapter Points would be worth a gold piece. Full Spell Books may be purchased for 500 Chapter Points each, and full Alchemy Books may be purchased for 250 Chapter Points (note that illegal recipes in your chapter may not be included).
You may purchase Spellcrafting Reagents for 50 Chapter Points. These Reagents may only be used at the event you purchase them, and only for the purpose of Spellcrafting, not for other purposes like Formal Magic or paying off summoned Elementals.
Event Buyback: You may trade in your Chapter Points to receive XP for any event your character did not attend. These XP can only be awarded if you did not attend any other events that weekend as a PC, even as another character. For example, if you were Cast for a weekend event, you may use your Chapter Points to buy XP for your character for that event. You cannot do this if you were a PC there.
The Chapter Points cost for an event is thirty Chapter Points per LP of the event (so a regular two-day weekend event will cost 60 Chapter Points).
These Chapter Points are non-transferrable. You cannot use your Chapter Points to buy Events for a friend. Further, you can only spend Chapter Points in the chapter in which you earned them. You may only purchase Events three months prior to the current date and may not purchase events for the same date from two different chapters, even if you attended one of the events as a player.
For example: Fred Player PCs an event in the Calgary chapter. He cannot then use his Chapter Points from the Portland chapter to buy XP for an event that took place the same weekend.
Change Skills: Once per Month per Character, a Player may remove a single Skill from their card at the cost of 30 Chapter Points. The Chapter Points used to purchase this must be at the character’s home chapter. Additionally, you may not sell Skills back to avoid prerequisites. If your character has a Shatter/Disarm Strike and selling back a Weapon Proficiency puts you below the required 20 XP in that category you must first sell back the Shatter/Disarm strike before you could remove the Proficiency.
Game Preparation: A player may purchase a full set of Protective Spells coming into the weekend (Endow, Weapon Shield, Poison Shield, Elemental Shield, and your choice of either Spell Shield or Reflect Spell) for 40 Chapter Points.
Players may spend 50 Chapter Points to come into game with up to 10 levels worth of spells in a Spell Store Ritual. This may only be purchased once per event; the spell levels may be split among different Spell Stores of differing schools if desired.