=====Body and Armor Points===== Two important statistics, [[Body Points]] and [[Armor Points]], are based on a character’s [[classes|class]]. A character gains [[Body Points]] at a rate based on their class. A Fighter would receive an extra Body Point at 30XP (remember, you start a new character at 25XP), a Spellsword at 34XP, and an Artisan at 37XP. The [[Hardy]] Skill can be used to purchase additional Body Points no matter what class you are. In addition, all classes are limited in how many Armor Points they can use. These maximum Armor Points are listed in the chart as well. The Skill [[Wear Extra Armor]] allows classes to wear one point of [[armor]] above their maximums for each time the Skill is purchased. ^ CLASS ^ XP PER BODY POINT ^ ARMOR POINT MAXIMUM ^ ^ Fighter | 5 | 35 | ^ Scholar | 15 | 15 | ^ Rogue | 8 | 20 | ^ Adept | 10 | 25 | ^ Scout | 7 | 30 | ^ Spellsword | 9 | 25 | ^ Artisan | 12 | 20 |