Armor Materials

The following defines what is assigned to each Armor Location. For all types, if at least half the designated location is not covered, the Marshal will deduct at least half the points for that location and may penalize the location down to counting as no coverage.

Different types of armor may be layered to gain additional points, but in no case may any location go over the maximum of 4 points. Bonus points are only given for a location if all materials used meet the requirements for a bonus. For example, a character could layer thick leather armor (2 points) with an additional layer of quilted cloth (1 point) for a total of 3 points in a location, but any Bonus Points (see below) would not stack.

Armor values are based on appearance of armor type. For example, chainmail made of plastic rings which has the appearance of real metal chain will count for 3 points of value on a location, though it will not get the bonus for authentic materials. Please keep in mind that we expect all participants to put effort into maintaining the appearance of their armor; to be awarded value based on appearance of a specific armor type, the armor physrep should give a quality, consistent appearance of that type.